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make sure that your desktop entry has the right permissions
take a look into /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable and see if the ubuntu.png its inded located there

If you had so many troubles with that, why dont you try queen beecon widgets

debian and ubuntu are different operating systems, with different characteristics, different repositories, I dont know wich one is fastter for me both perform excellent, so that depends on the system, every n900 its different performance depends on what software you have installed, what daemons are running, if your processor are overclocked, etc

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Did not have the time tonight to look at the terminal feedback properly, but so far, out of the box, I get stuck in a black screen (looks like X does not get properly started, but I am not sure) right after clicking OK for the window "needed to gain keyboard focus in LXDE. Click OK". Doing so leads to a black screen with the "Ctrl-back to return to dashboard." message from the code you gave. After that, nada. Tonight I will not be able to look into it, but tomorrow I will, and get back to you if there are any results. Which, b.t.w. leaves me with a question, do you actually have a file named set-focus in your /usr/bin/ ? And there's supposed to be a file floating with a fix from qole as well, that I have not seen on my device but apparently is needed as a fix for this.
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Originally Posted by anthonie View Post

Did not have the time tonight to look at the terminal feedback properly, but so far, out of the box, I get stuck in a black screen (looks like X does not get properly started, but I am not sure) right after clicking OK for the window "needed to gain keyboard focus in LXDE. Click OK". Doing so leads to a black screen with the "Ctrl-back to return to dashboard." message from the code you gave. After that, nada. Tonight I will not be able to look into it, but tomorrow I will, and get back to you if there are any results. Which, b.t.w. leaves me with a question, do you actually have a file named set-focus in your /usr/bin/ ? And there's supposed to be a file floating with a fix from qole as well, that I have not seen on my device but apparently is needed as a fix for this.
apparently set-focus help to get keyboard funtionality, I copied it from debian, I haven't looked the code, but it helps to fix keyboard focus on fedora for me, I spend all day working on archlinux but i'm stuck with missing dependencies and package not found in the repositories,
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Which ones are missing? Perhaps I can help out here, perhaps not. But two searching should be able to find more than one, not?

Speaking of which: Could you provide me with the set-focus lib?
juandp77's Avatar
Posts: 203 | Thanked: 201 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Ecuador
sure here it is so it will be /user/bin/set-focus
and /sbin/qobi-wmhint-fix (don't forget to change the permissions)

I'm trying to use plugbox roofts instead of archmobile, beacuse it has better and updated repositories, so I build a *.img.ext2 file, the first problem it's that i can install xorg-server, I believe its a problem with gcc 4.3 or 4.5 I dont know, also e17 seems not be suported in plugbox, it has e16 but I dont have experience with it, I try to install lxde and even gnome but some pkg are lost

Last edited by juandp77; 2010-12-09 at 23:34.
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E16 would be lovely to have. I have not used it in a long time, but back then I was very hesitant to let go of E16. I don't know what build we're talking about and how stable it is, but E16 as a desktop on this phone would be seriously cool. Geek, nerd, but cool.

Thanks for the libs. Will put them to use tomorrow.

I have zero experience with plugbox but have been mesmerising about Gentoo. I know there's a rootfs out there built for ARM.
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thats right but I want that archmobile follow the archway that means install whatever you want in the way you want to get exactly what you want. I will continue working on that, Wow porting geento to n900 will be awesome
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Anybody who can help me how to fix my up,down,left,right and function key on debian and fedora? Recently those keys are working on my easy debian, but now they are not functioning., advance thanks to those who can help me...
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Does someone have plans on making an image of Lubuntu (lxde+ubuntu)?
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first thanks Juan for the great work!

I am a newbie to linux, so could someone tell me how to change the UI from lxde to the one similar in the picture posted by OP?

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