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Originally Posted by paulkoan View Post
Do you have a plan for maintaining compatibility with the power-kernel? Are you planning to release your patched power-kernel each time one is released?
I have already asked Titan to compile cfg80211 as module (the only change in the custom power kernel), so most likely a custom power-kernel will not be necessary in the future.
I am planning to release updated wl1251 modules to all donators for new power-kernel versions.

Originally Posted by paulkoan View Post
Do you think you'll submit your patches to the power-kernel guys once you have "enough" donations?
That will not be easily possible, because the patches are based on wireless-testing / compat-wireless and don't apply directly on the wl12xx driver.
In the long term I think it would be best if we get a compat-wireless package for the power-kernel, which then also includes a packet injection capable wl1251 driver.
Additionally we would also get better support for USB wifi cards.

Originally Posted by Mentalist Traceur View Post
I have a question similar to this. Once enough donations accumulate, can you release it more openly (you don't need to announce how much it is, just if there is going to be something like this in the future)?
I am definitively trying to get the patches accepted upstream, so non-Maemo and non-N900 wl1251 users could also profit.
Nevertheless I am not planning to openly release the compiled wl1251 modules, but as mentioned above I hope we will get a compat-wireless package in the long term.
I don't want to develop such a package on my own, as I am not very familiar with the USB stuff. If there are any other developers who are interested in such a package, please contact me.

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Dear LXP your hard work make me so proud of you. i dont have worked ever in C++ i dont know how to compile or waht it is and other stuff but what i can, is do INJEKTION and this is your work. i mean what, what the fu** YESSSSSS! love backtrack and the other stuff of linux. on n900 aircrack kismet nmap wireshark metasploit work, WOW you have round up the wohle package. WOWOWOWOWWW this is amazig had no problems to install. everything works inklusive with multiboot i set up works perfekt. in a few days you get a donate from me twicetime i promise this is unbeliveble.. know i like my n900 more than before!!!! BIG THANKS TO YOU from GERMANY. sorry my bad english
who needs NEOPWN this is all we need

Last edited by handyspacko; 2010-12-28 at 22:44.
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Apr 2010
awesome, i'll be donating when i get home then

The Following User Says Thank You to Umlungu For This Useful Post:
Posts: 286 | Thanked: 117 times | Joined on Jan 2010
if you would be a very nice person you would ask Titan to include this in the next power kernel...your asking for "donations"... a donation isn't obligatory but you are forcing everyone to pay for it so in my opinion you should set a price on this or be a very nice person and contribute to the growth of this community.....(if i look back to neopwn, everyone paid for almost nothing...where do we know that this time is not the same?)
Posts: 1,042 | Thanked: 430 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by crash16 View Post
if you would be a very nice person you would ask Titan to include this in the next power kernel...your asking for "donations"... a donation isn't obligatory but you are forcing everyone to pay for it so in my opinion you should set a price on this or be a very nice person and contribute to the growth of this community.....(if i look back to neopwn, everyone paid for almost nothing...where do we know that this time is not the same?)
lxp is not neopwn... He is just the developer not the distributor. Also you could see through the feedbacks
Posts: 1,522 | Thanked: 392 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ São Paulo, Brazil
Btw, even though i suggested you provide a direct link for downloading it, if you had a bank account on Brazil i could make a deposit, otherwise i don't think i have a way to send money to ya :/
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2010
okay one question i got.
if i want to remove some packages programs i have to install the normal osso-wlan but when i do apt-get -f install osso wlan it wont do it.
it says the following packages have unmet dependencies:
mp-fremantle-generic-pr:depends: osslo-wlan(=3.0.20+0m5) but (3.0.20+0m5-1) is to be installed

what can i do
hawaii's Avatar
Posts: 1,030 | Thanked: 792 times | Joined on Jun 2009
edit the control file and update the version to remove the extraneous version "-1".
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2010
Ha lol sorry dont understand what you say i dont get it. can you please a little more spezific. maybe some bash? ala apt-get...... please
Posts: 50 | Thanked: 444 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Austria
Originally Posted by damion View Post
Any chance of an old-style HostAP capable driver for AP mode? AdHoc doesn't work with my PSP nor wife's Android and probably loads of other devices. It would be very useful, I'd donate £50! I'm sure others would. The new wlan driver stack in post 2.6.30 built this stuff in to the wifi stack generically but we're stuck on 2.6.28 for the forseable future.
Thank you for your donation.
I am going to look into the ad-hoc problem soon.
AP mode may be possible to implement, I will add that to my todo list. We are not really stuck at 2.6.28 wifi stack. This driver already uses compat-wireless to backport the bleeding-edge wifi stack to the 2.6.28 kernel.

Originally Posted by oz87 View Post
wt abt people living in countries where they cant get a paypal account such as my mine, Lebanon?
I think wire transfer would be a little bit costly for small donations. Do you have other suggestions?

Originally Posted by crash16 View Post
if you would be a very nice person you would ask Titan to include this in the next power kernel...your asking for "donations"... a donation isn't obligatory but you are forcing everyone to pay for it so in my opinion you should set a price on this or be a very nice person and contribute to the growth of this community.....(if i look back to neopwn, everyone paid for almost nothing...where do we know that this time is not the same?)
As I have written in my previous post it is not trivial to "include it in the next power kernel".
If you read my blog clearly, you should know why I am doing this.
Here again the hard facts (and maybe harder than ever before):
I developed packet injection for Neopwn, only because of Neopwn and haven't received any of the promised money. If Neopwn hadn't asked me to develop it, I wouldn't have done it and most likely nobody would have a working packet injection so far. I would have spent my summer working in a usual summer job.
Now as all that happened (I developed packet injection, haven't got any money, Neopwn is dead and only binary drivers are floating around), I am going to make the best out of it for all of us.
I am releasing the packet injection driver under correct GPL terms, so that the work can be reused and I am trying to get the patches accepted upstream, while I am forcing donations to get some money out of the time I spent for developing, which I otherwise would have spent at a summer job. I don't like the idea of forcing donations myself, especially after what happened with Neopwn, but I think it's the only way to at least cover the development costs a bit. I am not charging a fixed price, as I appreciate any donation. I am trusting you (the community) to donate what it is worth to you and what you can afford. I really like the community and open source in general. If I would have developed packet injection under other circumstances, it would be very different for me. Just look at the monitor mode patch -- I developed it in my free time, because I liked to have a working monitor mode and I shared it with all of you without asking for donations.
I hope now you really understand, why I am doing this.

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