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Ah, sorry, misunderstanding. I thought it was about the blank screen.

Try and paste the error, plus the steps taken to get to that error, you receive here on the board so we can see what needs to be done.

Last edited by anthonie; 2010-12-29 at 20:10.
Posts: 345 | Thanked: 127 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Thanks for the help. Surprisingly, I once again uninstalled it all and reinstalled and it seems to work now. I'm not sure if the image was extracted improperly the first time (same size as the one I just extracted again) or what but now it actually booted up.
I gotta set up an icon theme and all that I guess but so far, so good.

Any update on anybody trying Unity for this yet? Seems like it might be a nice addition.
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Originally Posted by juandp77 View Post
sorry for not respond, I am really bussy right now I have to study a lot to get the neurosurgery residency so I will not post at least until february, I know there are people in here that have more knowloge than me in this area (like qole, anthonie, kingoddball and others) that will help if any one need it, as soon I can get more time I will dedicate all my efforts to port archlinux and gentoo to n900. see you guys
Thank you very much for all you have done.
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Don't count on unity. Too much of a resource hog. If you really want more eye candy, your best bet is E17. If you want to see what that looks like, go ahead and install the Archlinux distro from the first page. I think Juan updated the instructions there, otherwise you'll be able to find within the first 10 pages or so. The Illume theme, for instance, has a wonderful clean interface. I posted some screens in the thread before.

Right now I am working on getting Enlightenment (E17) to run on Gentoo, but don't count on anything being ready before end of next week.

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can I have different lxde sessions for ubuntu and debian?
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Posts: 770 | Thanked: 558 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Abidjan
please who can upload the ubuntu image to an other server i sill can't download the full image properly it always stops itself!!!!
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Fedora just gives me a black screen, and the titlebar donīt appear on Ubuntu. =/
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Originally Posted by anthonie View Post
Don't count on unity. Too much of a resource hog. If you really want more eye candy, your best bet is E17. If you want to see what that looks like, go ahead and install the Archlinux distro from the first page. I think Juan updated the instructions there, otherwise you'll be able to find within the first 10 pages or so. The Illume theme, for instance, has a wonderful clean interface. I posted some screens in the thread before.

Right now I am working on getting Enlightenment (E17) to run on Gentoo, but don't count on anything being ready before end of next week.
Yeah, I was wondering if it'd be too heavy for the N900.
I remember using Enlightenment before (in Elive IIRC) and it was great. I might decide just to go with the ArchLinux route. I'll probably build that distro on my other comp though before attempting it on the phone (though I'm sure Juan's instructions should help me through it all anyway). Good project though for using Virtualbox.
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I finally installed Ubuntu on the Phone, but I noticed a few issues. When i open the ubuntu-lxde, and I go back to maemo task manager, the keyboard in ubuntu does not work anymore. The same thing happens when I open ubuntu-Lxde and I click on the N900 power button. Is there something to do to fix it???
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Arch is pretty nice, al though I prefer Gentoo, being, IMO, more versatile. The Arch Mobile repo's lack most important software, for instance the make build engine is not there. So, you can try the bit of software that's available but after that you'll have to cross-compile on another machine.

@Boemien, you applied the qole-provided fixes?

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