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has anyone found if maneuver:maneuver_at_endofstreet (something like that) is set? not found it so far, was wondering if its just not being set during assignment of the maneuver to aimaneuver. Source not handy so name might not be correct.

blaizzen: the config.xml file can announce distances based on its evaluation. if we can get the timetoannounce, distanceto/from etc. code working this should be simple replicate. In terms of street names, I have seen a value scattered around the translation code called ausestreetname, Not sure how its defined yet, only spotted it looking for something else. Might have some use to your code, so that it only announces street name if it has to.

jhb: thanks for the sox suggestion. had found "play" mentioned, which i think is a subset of sox. Haven't got as far as trying on device. The config file handling is missing a few bits at the moment in relation to points you raised. partly it is to do with the parser, partly its the rest of the code. The distance we are using is based on straight lines, rather than actual distance to travel IIRC.

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Is it possible to make Ovi Maps use Nokia's Voices (navigation voices) from Symbian devices??

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Originally Posted by Android_808 View Post
blaizzen: the config.xml file can announce distances based on its evaluation. if we can get the timetoannounce, distanceto/from etc. code working this should be simple replicate. In terms of street names, I have seen a value scattered around the translation code called ausestreetname, Not sure how its defined yet, only spotted it looking for something else. Might have some use to your code, so that it only announces street name if it has to.
Your right, for the street name part, it will only add the streetname if aUseStreet is sent as true. I've made a new function called getSound based on getDescription:
        getDescription: function (aTranslator, aUseStreet, aFormat) {
            var streetPlaceholder = "{0}";
            var signpostPlaceholder = "{1}";
            var formatPlaceholder = "{0}";
            var descriptions = [];
If aUseStreet is false it doesn't add the street name, nor does it add the "onto", so it plays only sound files.

I'm actually looking forward to the config.xml parsing you and CormacB are doing as it'll be much more professional and easier to change in the future. I'm only using this hardcoded method just for testing, and since I couldn't get the parser working.

Originally Posted by bandora View Post
Is it possible to make Ovi Maps use Nokia's Voices (navigation voices) from Symbian devices??
Yes, currently its a mixture of voice sounds and espeak for street names and anything else it doesn't know

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Found the code that runs when you close the application
        closeApplication: function () {
            var plugin = this.getPlugin()._getPlugin();
            try {
                PluginHttpRequest.PLUGIN = null;
            } catch (e) {
                error("Application.closeApplication: " + e)
           //Insert code here to close python server
            plugin = null;

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Originally Posted by Blaizzen View Post
Lastly implementing the python server in the desktop file would be good, i tried to make the server close when i send a command (eg exitServer) but it never closed maybe jhb if you could add that in please.
This is all moving so fast, really exiting. Too bad I also have to do rent related work :-)

Anyhow, I quickly updated the python server so that you now can shut it down by sending:

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Help please: My Ovi Maps app no longer starts up, showing the splash screen with the moving rect forever.
I assume I have messed the OviMaps directory despite of trying to be careful and making duplicates...
the dir looks like this:

/usr/share/nokia-maps/html # ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 224 May 26 2010 framework
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 970200 Jun 10 2010 index.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1465794 Jan 18 00:06 index2.bak
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 720 Oct 30 2009 maplets
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 288 May 26 2010 medos
/usr/share/nokia-maps/html #

Could you please check the file size of the original index.html being 970200 Bytes? What else could have happened?
I already have deleted the cities dir in MyDocs to no avail...
Please help me.

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in addition to those files I have:
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 224 Sep 10 18:04 pfw

Please learn to make backups properly before messing stuff up.I hope someone sends that file to you, still it doesnt mean that it will work.
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Originally Posted by rm53 View Post
Help please: My Ovi Maps app no longer starts up, showing the splash screen with the moving rect forever.
I assume I have messed the OviMaps directory despite of trying to be careful and making duplicates...
the dir looks like this:

/usr/share/nokia-maps/html # ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 224 May 26 2010 framework
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 970200 Jun 10 2010 index.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1465794 Jan 18 00:06 index2.bak
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 720 Oct 30 2009 maplets
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 288 May 26 2010 medos
/usr/share/nokia-maps/html #

Could you please check the file size of the original index.html being 970200 Bytes? What else could have happened?
I already have deleted the cities dir in MyDocs to no avail...
Please help me.
You seem to be missing the pfw directory.

I uploaded mine as pfw.tar file. I have PR1.3.

Untar it (tar xvf pfw.tar) as root in the /usr/share/nokia-maps/html/ directory. It will create the pfw directory including sub-directories.

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Originally Posted by Bingley Joe View Post
This looks amazing!

I'd really love to give it a try, so just to confirm -- are the links to the most recent versions of the relevant downloads all in the first post or do I need to scour the thread?


Does the first post contain the most up to date version of the files needed to try this out?

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Originally Posted by Bingley Joe View Post

Does the first post contain the most up to date version of the files needed to try this out?
Wait another day and I'll upload the current version I'm using. I just need to test it a few more times on the road to make sure its running correctly. The one in the first post is outdated.

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