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i mean these "Update 20/01/2010
CormacB has released a new version with html5 support (so that it does not require any servers for sound production). See this post for the html file: Index.html and this post for the direction on how to install: Install directions

they worked now , not sure about the voice guidance , but there are 3 buttons , suddenly became one bottom on the top of another showing only "POI" which when i press the maps freeze till the POIs are fetched , if it's javascript i recomment using threading to get these POIs to avoid the freezing of the maps (try


using AJAX to get the POIs or any other data fetching is MUCH better

Edit 2:
It would be gr8 to leave the POI button available even when not routing ...

Edit 3:
Saving favorites would be great and POSSIBLE thanks to html 5 STORAGE (you need to have some knowledge in sql)

Last edited by teamer; 2011-01-20 at 10:59.

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Originally Posted by teamer View Post
i mean these "Update 20/01/2010
CormacB has released a new version with html5 support (so that it does not require any servers for sound production). See this post for the html file: Index.html and this post for the direction on how to install: Install directions

they worked now , not sure about the voice guidance , but there are 3 buttons , suddenly became one bottom on the top of another showing only "POI" which when i press the maps freeze till the POIs are fetched , if it's javascript i recomment using threading to get these POIs to avoid the freezing of the maps (try
The POI button is a little buggy at the moment. They all get clumped when you cancel a route calculation or an error occurs. As for the freezing, its due to showing all the POI at the same time. I have tried to fix it by releasing a version with customizable POI (so only show parking, only show education stuff etc), I believe CormacB's file does not use it.

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Originally Posted by Blaizzen View Post
The POI button is a little buggy at the moment. They all get clumped when you cancel a route calculation or an error occurs. As for the freezing, its due to showing all the POI at the same time. I have tried to fix it by releasing a version with customizable POI (so only show parking, only show education stuff etc), I believe CormacB's file does not use it.
i've edited my reply

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I unfortunately lack skill/experience with javascript. I'm actually a pharmacist by trade, but I've always had an interest in programming. Therefore, while I'd like to mod maps further and include more options, I doubt I'll be able to implement anything new, at the very least for along while. But I'm very pleased to have started this thread, and to have gained heaps of interest, and even more pleased to have others with greater experience modding it further. I do hope it becomes closer to the one available on Symbian and other OS out there, as I think maemo is definitely one of the best systems out there. So in terms of implementing AJAX or favorite savings, I'm the wrong person to ask that from

But as promised before, I'm uploading my current maps version that uses the python server to play sound and espeak to say street names.
  1. Make sure espeak is installed. It should be in extras-devel
  2. Download the python server from Jhb's post here and place somewhere easy to access (I put mine under "/home/user")
  3. Change the "SOUNDPATH" inside the server to point to your chosen language. English is the one that works best, however the other languages will work too, but with some English words. (mine says SOUNDPATH = '/home/user/MyDocs/cities/english/english_male/')
  4. Back up your nokia-maps folder (just incase )
  5. Copy the index.html file and the evalspeech.js file into "/usr/share/nokia-maps/html"
  6. The folder pfw contains 2 images that were made for some of the mods. They should be placed in their respective folders. They are not 100% needed, if they are not included, it will just show a blank icon instead.
  7. Now to run the server. In xterm, type "python" without the quotation marks (or python <file location> if its somewhere else, you get what i mean )
  8. open maps and navigate somewhere

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i will try to implement this by my self , but i will need some help finding stuff in the code , first of all , where is the functions that gets the POIs ? 2nd , how can i add a new button and read gps coordinates when clicking on it ?

i still didn't see the code , just give me the index.html file with the line numbers of those functions

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Originally Posted by teamer View Post
i will try to implement this by my self , but i will need some help finding stuff in the code , first of all , where is the functions that gets the POIs ? 2nd , how can i add a new button and read gps coordinates when clicking on it ?

i still didn't see the code , just give me the index.html file with the line numbers of those functions
I've actually put little comments in the code to help me find stuff

Line 27111 (commented //IMPORTANT) is the code to make a new POI button.
Line 17835 (commented //HERE HERE!) is the showAllCategories function.
As for getting the GPS coordinates, it depends on where you are in the code etc, but in my last upload, I made a global variable called "currentPosGlobal" which holds the GPS coordinates (at least I hope so). You can use that for a quick method.

Otherwise search for the commented code in the index.html file. It'll be before the important changes that have been made/added

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In GuidanceModel._updatePosition the parameter is called data and I used data.position and data.speed. But the parameter is really an event which contains a data field! So the parameter should be called event and and should be used. I have no idea where the position attached to the event came from.

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thanks Blaizzen for good job

but i have this problem in last line , it's for street name

because the street name in Arabic but for English it is work fine , any idea to remove the last line ?

~ $ python
serving at port 9999 in english
Nokia-N900 - - [20/Jan/2011 18:42:55] "GET /CQ|140|:g5unt_002|:g5man_004|on|%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B9 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
['/usr/bin/espeak', '-v', 'english', '"140"']
['/usr/bin/aplay', 'english/english_male/g5unt_002']
Playing WAVE 'english/english_male/g5unt_002' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 16000 Hz, Mono
['/usr/bin/aplay', 'english/english_male/g5man_004']
Playing WAVE 'english/english_male/g5man_004' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 16000 Hz, Mono
['/usr/bin/espeak', '-v', 'english', '"on"']
['/usr/bin/espeak', '-v', 'english', '"%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B9"']

Last edited by osama; 2011-01-20 at 15:39.

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Originally Posted by osama View Post
thanks Blaizzen for good job

but i have this problem in last line , it's for street name

because the street name in Arabic but for English it is work fine , any idea for remove the last line ?

~ $ python
serving at port 9999 in english
Nokia-N900 - - [20/Jan/2011 18:42:55] "GET /CQ|140|:g5unt_002|:g5man_004|on|%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B9 HTTP/1.1" 200 -
['/usr/bin/espeak', '-v', 'english', '"140"']
['/usr/bin/aplay', 'english/english_male/g5unt_002']
Playing WAVE 'english/english_male/g5unt_002' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 16000 Hz, Mono
['/usr/bin/aplay', 'english/english_male/g5man_004']
Playing WAVE 'english/english_male/g5man_004' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 16000 Hz, Mono
['/usr/bin/espeak', '-v', 'english', '"on"']
['/usr/bin/espeak', '-v', 'english', '"%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%B9"']
I'd say its either the index.html not encoding the arabic letters correctly, or the script not parsing the input correctly (it doesn't do any proper handing of encoding). Problem: espeak --voices tells me there is no arabic voice at all (but 7 en/* ?). So not really sure what to do about it.

In the meantime I quickly updated the script so that if it encounters some urlencoded characters it will turn the input into 'something'. Absolutely no long term solution:-)

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Edit: latest version:

New version attached. edit: removed obsolete version

* Better handling of time/distance from last maneuver which turns out to be ver important for the nokia logic.
* Correct speed and position tracking

* Blaizzens improvements (aside from his voice nav) integrated
* Multiple language support: if you use a language other than english then download the correct voices zip file for your language, use it instead of and it should work

Language support is the main reason to use this version over Blaizzen's as Nokia has already written the logic for the different languages. But there is no street name support and it would be difficult to add.

Blaizzen: in your index.html you don't need to include evalspeech.js as it is not being used by your navigation logic.

Last edited by CormacB; 2011-01-22 at 13:25.

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