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Originally Posted by mikhail_ramalho View Post
Thank you everybody for you suggestions!

Man, I have never saw this bug! I just tweet a message here and it look like the twitter api is thinking that what is between "<" and ">" is a HTML tag. I try to change them to &lt and &gt to see if it works.

Edit: it didn't work :\
Isn't it something more simple like symbolpack or punctuation?
Idk just trying to help, but you're the expert

Last edited by Ozdorp; 2011-01-18 at 20:34.
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Just updated from 0.4.3 to 0.5.0 and to my surprise there are only 20 messages before you need to hit the "More Tweets" button.....
mikhail_ramalho's Avatar
Posts: 76 | Thanked: 87 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Well, about the number of tweets, I decided to leave it as 20 as default value.

Change it wouldn't be a problem, but the low value is for slow connections. On settings, there will be an option for how many tweets/mentions you want to download.
TweeGo v0.6.5-1 just released!

Download it at Maemo Garage or at extras-devel

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On settings, there will be an option for how many tweets/mentions you want to download
That whould be lovely!

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Love the look of this amazing app. This has amazing capabilities ahead of it. Keep the great look going. My biggest wish is all the conversation wants. I need my replys to link to the original tweet and vice versa to be able to see the original tweet from a reply. Being socially able to follow a group conversation is a must. Have a nice day.
mikhail_ramalho's Avatar
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Hello, just releasing a small update:

I found a pretty nasty bug about the timeline's animations (until now no one reported this ). When you click pretty quickly to change between the timelines, their positions get lost on screen (you can reproduce, for example, by changing between mentions and home, and back to mentions in less than 1/4 second). Well it is solved now.

Also I changed the link opening and put it inside a button, it is much easier now to open links, although, in my opinion, the button wasn't the prettier solution. I'll go back to that later

And I took some code from qtwitter (thanks ayoy) and now, TweeGo only downloads images once per login session (when you logout the cache is cleaned).

For the next version, I promise the auto refresh, I'm already working on the custom spinbox images (the designer that was doing the images for me is working on others projects so I'll try to make them :P I'm a programmer, so it will probably take a while until it get pretty hehe)

It probably be available for download from maemo repository in the next hour.
TweeGo v0.6.5-1 just released!

Download it at Maemo Garage or at extras-devel

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So excited that you are working on this...

For me trending topics and twitpic are musts

winet05's Avatar
Posts: 22 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Kampala, Uganda
i need some help i would like to delete the twitter accounts i have added in tweego 0.5.1
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mikhail_ramalho's Avatar
Posts: 76 | Thanked: 87 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Well, for now you can only do it in the hard way :\ (TODO: Need to fix that for the next version)

open the console and type:

 vi .config/Zagaia/TweeGo.conf
you will see something like:

size=(number of accounts)
to remove you must decrease the size number and remove all the lines of the account that have the same number.
(Tip: to find the account quickly type "\(username)" on vi)

And, if you removed one account from a sequence (for example, the second account of a sequence of five account), you must set one of the remaining account as that one (for example, change all lines that start with five to two).

Yeah, I know that is awful, I'll do a fix for that for the next version (along with twitpic and tweetphoto images view support).
TweeGo v0.6.5-1 just released!

Download it at Maemo Garage or at extras-devel
anapospastos's Avatar
Posts: 553 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Not decided
Nice work dude. Thank you for the button links

ps: I noticed that long links doesnt open, is that known?
My name was Maemo, then it became Meego and now I'm getting a third one. I am Sailfish.

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