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Originally Posted by badboyuk View Post
Tried your script but it didnt/could'nt install some of the packages,
What exactly could not be installed? Which error messages did you get?

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Originally Posted by sulu View Post
What exactly could not be installed? Which error messages did you get?
Thanks for the quick reply, but I have managed to get it working without error and a diff way.
The main error I was having before was it couldnt install the libspeech package.

I figured out that because I use Fast App manager this was having an effect on it as I had disabled all the extras repos etc on the default manager.
But I have as of now disabled all the repos in F.A manager and re-enabled them back in the default and added a new repo for navit and just installed via the app manager, its loaded up nw.
Just need to move the map file in and see how it works.

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ok run into problem now tho, its taking ages for the gps to connect and not only that but if i go into Actions->Town and try to enter anything using on the onscreen keys then its not showing anything being typed, even tried the hw keyboard. I cant even change any other settings or do much or anything at all.
Any ideas? I have downloaded the correct the map file for UK and placed it into MyDocs

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Originally Posted by badboyuk View Post
ok run into problem now tho, its taking ages for the gps to connect
Where are you? The GPS antenna/receiver of the N900 doesn't seem to be the best. This is a well known probem. I can't get a lock in my flat at all, but if I leave the house I get one within seconds.
Go to a place where you can see as much sky as possible, start GPS recorder(should be preinstalled) and see if you can get a lock. You'll need at least 4 satellites to get a position (more is better).

Originally Posted by badboyuk View Post
and not only that but if i go into Actions->Town and try to enter anything using on the onscreen keys then its not showing anything being typed, even tried the hw keyboard. I cant even change any other settings or do much or anything at all.
Any ideas?
Unfortunately not. I haven't used navit so far. But I'll change that during the weekend.

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Originally Posted by sulu View Post
Where are you? The GPS antenna/receiver of the N900 doesn't seem to be the best. This is a well known probem. I can't get a lock in my flat at all, but if I leave the house I get one within seconds.
Go to a place where you can see as much sky as possible, start GPS recorder(should be preinstalled) and see if you can get a lock. You'll need at least 4 satellites to get a position (more is better).

Unfortunately not. I haven't used navit so far. But I'll change that during the weekend.
Been trying it from home. I shall try it and leave outside. I also have a bluetooth gps, I could use that as well but the onboard gps along with network positioning enabled should pick something up. I just want to see if this app works and if I can enter a route to see how it is.

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Hi all,

I have created a navit wiki page to be able to document the latest information in one place. Hopefully some day it's not necessary to read this long thread.

This page is now filled with my information to compile navit.
And a link to a deb file from my build.

This deb file installs a ready configured navit for Austria. So if you are happy with the sample map Linz and the language German then you don't need to configure anything ;-)

If somebody knows how we can put the deb file to extras repository please document it on the navit page.

I hope this is helpful for somebody.

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I just installed navit and it seems to work. I haven't tried with GPS (ugly weather) but I can set up routes and the few I chose seem to be ok.
The interface is slightly lagging but it's acceptable.

What I have not found so far is setting up indirect routes (with one or more "via" points).

I use openstreetmap and I miss my home town. Strangely my much smaller home village only some kilometers away is in the catalogue.
It's on the map and the streets have correct names but I can't find it in the town menu. I guess I'll have to improve this map data.

The packages provided at bring their own So if one uses these packages there is no need to compile it on your own. (just a hint)

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I've just read the whole thread and I cannot seem to get to site. Anyone else has this problem?
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Originally Posted by crux View Post
I've just read the whole thread and I cannot seem to get to site. Anyone else has this problem?
You're right, there is some problem with the site. I still have the debs of revision 3981 in my cache, so I could upload them.
But the forum allows only 483kB attachments and I'd need 3.9MB.

I have no own webspace and I don't know if a link to a one-click hoster would account as an "inappropriate link". Can somebody please shed a light on this?
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on May 2010
Originally Posted by sulu View Post
I use openstreetmap and I miss my home town. Strangely my much smaller home village only some kilometers away is in the catalogue.
It's on the map and the streets have correct names but I can't find it in the town menu. I guess I'll have to improve this map data.
I had the same problem. The reason was that some is_in values are in German. So i have translated them into English and afterwards i was able to find all.
e.g. for Austria
sed '/is_in/s/Österreich/Austria/g' at.osm | /opt/navit/bin/maptool at.bin

navigation, navit, nokia n900, openstreetmap

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