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Yeah, I have a feeling that the whole "be original" thing will be over looked in this contest, so far all the entries with the exception of Jeff Grado (in my opinion) show the device for what it was made for, mobile browsing...we'll see how it turns out.

It must suck about that paper bag winning. I can only imagine how pissed you must have been.
sachin007's Avatar
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Mine is on the way. Although it does'nt have any innovative ideas.... but it is not that bad either..

Lets see
Hedgecore's Avatar
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Untouched: Nah, I built it for two reasons. First, I don't get much of a chance to do DIY stuff, so any 'project' I can sink my teeth into I do with a strong sense of obsessive compulsive behaviour Secondly, I figured Transformers were popular and Halloween was coming up, maybe I could get rich off the ads on the site. I made just under fifty bucks. Awe. :/

All in all, it was a fun experience. That's why I blogged the step by step making-of. The only thing about the contests that sucked was people were cheating left and right. Win some, lose some.

(My entry's being uploaded as I type this... but it's 105MB so it might take a few days.)
thoughtfix's Avatar
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Got it, Hedgecore. WHERE'S MY MONEY!?
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Originally Posted by Hedgecore View Post
Hey just a thought. In order to avoid any possible impropriety, would it make sense to limit voting to those with a join date before the contest was posted?

(I could get like 50 people to sign up and vote for me.)

(If not, maybe I will.)

I had thought of that too. I can only assume that Dan had as well and it'll not be an issue.

I'll go ahead and say that I just joined b/c of the contest. I don't have a tablet already so really, why would I?

If something is done to limit the voting to those who joined before the contest was announced then I wouldn't be able to vote for my own video (which is coming soon) and, in my opinion, that's a little messed up. What about limiting it to those who joined before the finalists are announced?

Either way I don't think anyone wants this turning into a "I can coerce more people to sign up and vote for me" contest.
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Well. Personally I'd say if you entered, regardless of when, you should be able to vote. Even if it was the contest itself that convinced you to sign up, all I've gotta say is.... welcome!
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I'm in the same camp as ninjatuned there -- I've actually been browsing the forum for a few weeks prior to the contest being announced, but as I don't currently *have* a N-anything, I hadn't bothered joining (until after my contest entry anyway).

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Phenomonal entries! Thoughtfix is up to 15 or 16 responses!
Hedgecore's Avatar
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With like 5 entries squeaking in the 11th hour (literally!) I'm holding my own subcontest*! Film yourself freaking out and swearing at YouTube for processing your last minute video so slowly and I'll ship the best one a cheapo Canada shotglass from the tourist shops downdown.

* Not really. But upload it anyway with the tag "N810, Contest, Hurry, #$&*#$"

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They are jumping in out of the wood work now. Makes me feel like I wish I'd taken the risk and worked on my video a day or so longer. I've never fooled with a lot of this stuff though so I didn't want to be cursing the screen as it tumbled in retrograde motion through the air past my doorway.

I posted as Luudite by the by and I'd like to play devil's advocate for 1 second. If getting people to sign up to vote brings more traffic to the site and awareness to the tablet, that's good no?

I know, it's still poopy to do. What can I say though, I always liked those points in English class when the "Oh no you didn't just say..." came about.

Last edited by Malfaiteur; 2007-11-17 at 06:14.

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