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Capt'n Corrupt's Avatar
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Wow. Just. Wow.

If true, this is quite the development.

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It's good for Nokia's stock price. I don't see a match personally... but I've stated that if this happens, I'll buy it.

Guess I shouldn't have opened my big mouth.

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Microsoft is never your friend. Go read up on "Stinger" and what happened with that.
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personally i prefer nokia+linux (hate micro$oft), but it's interesting!

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Originally Posted by wmarone View Post
Microsoft is never your friend. Go read up on "Stinger" and what happened with that.
At this moment, Nokia is their own enemy. Both companies are under the gun to produce something.

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dr_frost_dk's Avatar
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I been using MS my hole life, from DOS 5.0 through almost all Windows to 7, and about 1 year ago i finally got full onboard linux, trying pretty much all of the dists, going with zorin for a while and since then PURE ubuntu
And i curse myself every day that i did not do it sooner, i saw linux (red hat etc...) back in 99 and was pretty impressed, but been to lazy or hooping that MS finally would get their s**t together but they never did, the best windows i have used are ME & XP, but now i cannot see myself going back to MS ever, i might try 8 but history have showed me that i will always be bad.....

Since ubuntu i got really hocked on unix and thats why i got the N900 and man do i love this nice "little" thing

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ysss's Avatar
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Which is more likely to drop? Symbian or MeeGo?

MeeGo seems to be the future, backed by the giant Intel, but so far has made $0 for Nokia and comes with big risks. This platform is also not tied to the smartphone/tablet form factor, for better or worse; which has been Nokia's core form factor for years.

Symbian is Nokia's bread and butter and its sustaining life line. But it's aged and its value is quickly deteriorating where basic & feature phones are getting commoditized by the far eastern competitors. It has grand plans to revitalize the platform... but Nokia has recently significantly reduced its budget and workforce for Symbian development.

Anyone to flip a coin?
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lostinmirkwood's Avatar
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Thank you Ysss, I stripped the link out to stop the confusion. I noticed those links in the comments section of the original article.

Edit: Now I'm really confused about what will really be announced on the 13th.

Last edited by lostinmirkwood; 2011-02-04 at 17:54.

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Dave999's Avatar
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this is how serious I think this thread is: I want symbian, meego and win 7 merged in to a single OS in less than two weeks from now on.

Last edited by Dave999; 2011-02-04 at 17:59.
ysss's Avatar
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Originally Posted by lostinmirkwood View Post
It seems that the intent is a little different:

From the Nokia Conversations Blog
Aug 12th, 2009.

You've dug out an interesting article from the past. It seems that Nokia has been in bed with MS in the past (well, maybe just a quickie in a bush, under a tree that time).... what came out of that entanglement, btw?
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Follow the MeeGo Coding Competition!

Last edited by ysss; 2011-02-04 at 18:02.

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borrrrrrrrrring, just shoot me, kill me now!, nokia haters, popcorn time, pure fud

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