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Dave999's Avatar
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great news indeed. But do you remeber the flash 10 demo or the rollercoaster demo way back. It still no garantuee you ever see this or i can take years...
Banned | Posts: 974 | Thanked: 622 times | Joined on Oct 2010
The funny thing is that no american blogs or analysts saw this coming Anyway, what is this really, it is only Java on smartphones. Hardly more exciting than Java on PC or J2me.

How heavy is Nokia involved in this? do they have a solution on their own? Somehow I don't think this is the end of the story.
mece's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
great news indeed. But do you remeber the flash 10 demo or the rollercoaster demo way back. It still no garantuee you ever see this or i can take years...
Yeah, I remember the rollercoaster demo...

The game is quite nice too. There's also a free demo version.
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Helmuth's Avatar
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In opposite to the OS/2 disaster we've got at Maemo/MeeGo native support for many Linux Libraries, GTK+, Qt and last but not least full Python (PyQt) support!

Many Linux applications are more easier to port to Maemo/MeeGo instead to rewrite them to a JavaVM. (Pingus, OpenDUNE, OpenOffice, Gimp, Widelands, SSH, VNC, all the Emulators for SNES, MegaDrive, Playstation, GameBoy, C64, CPC, Amiga...)

And don't forget the Linux shell with all his scripting capabilities... the end we have the most of the Android applications, and Android has none of ours?

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i want that sh*t on my phone, period


looks promising, the sad thing is that if it gets released freely, it may destroy the nitdroid proyect

bust still its an AMAZING APP
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Originally Posted by gerdich View Post
OS/2 didn't die because of Windows applications.
OS/2 died because of the bad marketing and the bad performance.
They didn't have ENOUGH applications for the normal user.
When they begun to use Windows Applications it was already to late.
Many hated Microsoft and were willing to swith to OS/2.
Hah, that's a funny story. OS/2 was in good part developed by Microsoft and in 1.x it shared plenty of APIS. IBM took over when they realized Microsoft is preparing for a coup capitalizing on the success of Windows 3.x, but it was too late. Microsoft cut OS/2 at the legs by leaving it on Windows 3.x (cutting it off from the upgrade paths), they controlled the ecosystem (OS/2 is windows compatible, right ?) and what MS originally developed as OS/2 3.0 became known to the world as... Microsoft Windows NT (the first versions of NT even supported OS/2 filesystems and vestigial APIs). Realizing they are being ****d big time, IBM did a last-ditch effort with their own OS/2 3.0 Warp, even tried to combat the lack of native apps by embracing Java (getting on-topic, woo !). Now, with the performance of Java at the day, this did not help the slightest bit (I pity everyone who tried JavaOffice on a 386), and the lack of apps, drivers, and MS striking deals for having MSDOS/Windows being sold in bundles meant a nasty death-spiral for OS/2.

It was many summers ago, but that is how I remember that story.

OS/2 tried to gain traction from an existing ecosystem through compatibility not once, but twice, and both times failed horribly, exactly because of lack of native 'killer application' momentum.
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Last edited by attila77; 2011-02-08 at 18:14.

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Dave999's Avatar
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i can see that nokia wont allow this to be release for n900/maemo. If they have any influance here. This is a good sales aspect(meego/n9?) as well for nokia even though i cant recall any application I would use.
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A well-written Dalvik VM on top of MeeGo could be a real game changer. I can see OEMs being very attracted to the "Android" VM running on a real Linux stack, as opposed to the minimalist Android infrastructure. This is especially appealing for tablets, which live in that weird gray area between laptops and handhelds.
And if MeeGo continues to develop its locked-down security model allowing DRM and operator control, it will be an OEM's dream combination.
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
i can see that nokia wont allow this to be release for n900/maemo.
Nokia doesn't get a say in that. They could deny it access to the ovi store but there is nothing Nokia could do to prevent this from being downloadable from somewhere else.
If they do refuse it for the ovi store they run the risk of myriad (or someone else) making an alternate store (or the android market if it can work directly with that) taking money and control away from Nokia.

So what do I think of the idea?
If this will be available for end users, and will enable me to run spotify with offline playlists I'm willing to pay for it. Cant't think of any other killer app that would sell it to me at this moment.

But I have one question. How are android applications and multitouch? Do they require it or will most of them work with a singletouch.screen?
Posts: 1,341 | Thanked: 708 times | Joined on Feb 2010
I wonder if Elop is now reconsidering his speech for Friday?
Seems like everything has changed now.

2014 no dalvik, android, dalvik, its christmas!, java vm, just shoot me, maemo, meegdroid, meego

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