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Oh g*ddammit... I thought that Elop actually had a brain, but just huge pile of stinking ********.

Ok, Nokia has had problems executing strategy and creating their ecosystem. Not enough speed they say. And what do they do? They effectively kill the ecosystem they have been working on for long time and start over! That's just instane! They won't get anything out of their new ecosystem until 2012 and yet they say they do it for "more speed".

Only bright side on this is that MeeGo was not killed, not at least yet. Personally I will not buy a device based on WP, as I would not want to buy a device based on iOS. I will probably get a MeeGo device, but not a WP device. This also means that I will have to start thinking alternatives to mobile phone policy of our company. Just...********.

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nokia makes great hardware
micro$oft makes great OS

hows that a problem?

plus windows will be used on the top nokia phones, meego on the middle range.. right?
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Originally Posted by longcat View Post
this statement, nokia will this, nokia will that, looks like a complete capitulation ...
Yes, it seems a complete win for MS and a surrender from Nokia.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
How so? MeeGo will continue on.
but without a big supporter...
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Ill take a dual boot option if they are offering it. Or a free phone to compensate the fact that they sold me the n900 on the false promise that it was the next step on the path to maemo 6.
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From the official press release: "MeeGo becomes an open-source, mobile operating system project"

A "project". Well, so was Maemo. And it had all the official focus that such "projects" have in companies. It will not be Nokia's focus and is unlikely to produce any seriously supported handsets.

And we already know what that feels like...(owner of 770, N800, N900).

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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
Doesn't look too bright for Qt either.
Do recall Qt has VS plugins.
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bloomberg says nokia stock dropped a massive 10% after the announcment

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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
but without a big supporter...
With the Linux Foundation, GM, BMW, and a few other OEM instances out there, I'm quite sure that Nokia will not exactly drop it wholesale.

I don't mind admitting that I'm likely wrong, but what I read sounds like Nokia will still have a MeeGo device out later this year.

If anything, I see this like when Samsung brought out their Android devices while they worked on Bada. If the MeeGo device proves itself to be a big seller, it'll end up being their high end as originally planned.

That's my take.

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Originally Posted by ArturRubinstein View Post
Seriously guys, what's so wrong about a Nokia Smartphone with Windows 7? For me, this is the best of both worlds. Maemo never worked right (I only mention the epic PBAP fail, not to mention many other issues), and who knows if Meego would. At least Windows is an established platform.

Well, I like it anyway. No need to get harsh now though, guys! ;-)
Are you ******ed? Do you remember vista?

**** this

**** THIS.



N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to vi_ For This Useful Post:

bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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