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Dear Nokia and Elop,

I, and many others on here, paid hard earned money for your "flagship" device the Nokia N900. I waited patiently as your company continually and routinely shafted us N900 users with very little support. Thanks for deciding to use frequencies that will not allow me to get 3G with one of the US's largest providers (AT&T). Thank you for never coming out with turn-by-turn navigation for our platform. And now finally thank you for ensuring that we will never get any more support on this platform. I feel in a way that I have been scammed by your company. I will never ever purchase another Nokia product and will do my best to let everyone I come in contact with know exactly why. I urge everyone else who has been shafted by Nokia to do the same.

In short, **** you Nokia and **** you Mr. Elop. I hope you all die in a fire.
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Hey I just had a idea.
How many disappointed but smart people do we have on this forum?
Why dont we just make our own platform? Would save us from this kind of agony in the future.
Its just a idea.
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Originally Posted by Spotfist View Post
ermm... Im not sure if you are being sarcastic or not but have you looked at the active topics today? I hardly see loads of Topics praising the move to WP7.

Nokia is just making itself seem more and more generic by the day, I suppose my realy point is why should I now buy a Nokia phone? Before I might have done so for the open OS or maybe I liked Symbian... Either way there was a reason, now there is not.
I'm not sarcastic at all... me too.. i'm sure i won't buy a nokia with wp7.. but me and you.. for the mobile phone market, we are nothing.

Most of the people choose a phone for the design, dimension weight... others want some office app or games... but if it's closed source or open...if it's microsoft or google or whatever they just don't must work, that's it!

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Originally Posted by sponka View Post ---> 11.25% down ...
12.96 down now
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dont we already have that?
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i would like to dedicade this song to nokia...
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It seems "management" underestimated public response to today's event(s) and given solution is (in the eyes of public) just & plain -- bad.

It's like a bad dream - I'll woke up tomorrow and headlines will be like "no more underpowered nokia devices" or "meego landed -- users rejoice", not to mention "N9 finally here, engadget amazed & left without words" ...

Time to wake up, it's reality and not bad dream ...

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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
Few smartphones have them all, but they have at least most of them. (And before you ask: No. I never considered any iPhone version a smartphone. Because of the features it lacks.)

Now W7 not only lacks some or many of these features. It lacks most or all of them, as far as I know. How come anyone calls it a smartphone-OS? What does W7 offer me as a (admittedly very demanding) consumer that S40 cannot provide? How can it compete with the platforms Nokia is about to abandon?
That's why I call these phones (iPhone, WP7)

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Originally Posted by 9000 View Post
You must have been away from earth for at least 5 years that you missed all the anti-competitness lawsuits on Microsoft of which they are convicted.

Given viable choices, who would want to use an OS that you must pay extra for an anti-virus/malware software that eats up at least 5 percent of your resource?

Sorry I should not start an arguement on something else. If you disagree, that alright. I am to sad to argue atm.
This discussion reminds me one of my favourites:
"Eat ****, Billions of flies cannot be wrong."

Looks like those billions of flies love to use MS products, buy Apple toys, watch wars live on CNN, be racist and watch stupid reality shows. So what, since they're many, can't they ever be wrong?
Maemo/MeeGo/Tizen Turkey - &
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LOL, good work

bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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