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What a very sad day for Finland and Europe in general, I feared the worse with a North American CEO running the show, we can now all be subjected to the US style hyped, dumbed down, closed, mass market consumer products like the iCrap.

I'm still having trouble comprehending how Nokia threw away such a unpolished diamond like the N900 and Maemo 5, it's unreal.

I think innovators like Ari Jaaksi saw all this coming hence his move to HP/webOS.

The only thing certain now is that I will be buying another N900, I can only urge the community to re-double our efforts in advancing Maemo 5 with or without Nokia.

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Originally Posted by mrojas View Post
Shame on you, Elop.
No, it was a plan. This rogue guy had this in mind from the beginning, I think.

Originally Posted by mrojas View Post
The remedy is worst than the illness. Couldn't have said it better. Intel will probably go Android.
Sure - Intel started hiring Android people month ago.
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just bought antoher n900... so until 4g comes.. im safe... =P
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Originally Posted by mrojas View Post
You know, this makes me remember what happened to Danger. How Microsoft bought a company and essentially destroyed it, for nothing (the KIN phones where in the market for what, 6 weeks?).

Seriously, what was wrong with speeding up MeeGo, positioning it at the top of the OVI Ecosystem (second biggest App store) and strike a deal with MS to support enterprise services?

Shame on you, Elop.
And do that while Nokia was still number 2 in profits (Q4) only topped by Apple, and still leading in market share in both overall and smartphones, although in decline.

They waste just as much time with this strategy shift while giving up all the trump cards they had. Their scale is now against them. It only serves to drive Microsoft's ecosystem. I bet competitors are ramping up their WP7 projects already because suddenly that might be a viable competitor to Android and iOS and now you can out-do Nokia with HW only. They should've taken their scale advantage to drive their own ecosystem, to competitors' disadvantage but now they're totally playing for everyone else but themselves.

Last edited by jsa; 2011-02-11 at 16:11.

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Nokia will soon change its mind again. And change its os again. Might be android next. Nokia changing their OSes as often as I change underwear.

well almost

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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
Judging by the amount of comments so far i reckon this is the biggest news since the N900 was released and now the utter shock has sank i wonder what this will mean for the N900?.

Anyone any idea's?.
Hmm. You have just underestimated this news value. This news is going to be here in Finland on EVERY SINGLE PAPERs first page tomorrow and probably on coming weeks. There will be thousands of ex Nokian sw-devels quite soon on job market :|

And for N900. I donīt know. If you have read any posts here especially threads where qgil explains why making stuff open source is not free I would guess that nothing changes. Things go on as they have. We as hobbyist keep on fooling around with our little toys etc. Meego will be released.

Only thing what Iīm worried alot is Qt.
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Originally Posted by ME2g View Post
Seriously: this is something my old Palm Tungsten had!
That's nothing... Copy/paste and multitasking, that is something my old Nokia 7650 had 8 years ago!
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

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Mmmmmm... hot, steaming, claim chowder anyone?
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Since 1999, I've bought about 15-20 cell phones -- all of them made by Nokia. However, I doubt my next phone will be a Nokia. I just can't see myself using a Windows Phone. I'm going to try to keep an open mind, and hope for the best, but I'm not expecting much.

Like many on here, I'm feeling angry and disappointed.

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bye-nokia, i don't even, just shoot him, just shoot me, let's elope, lockdown, meego?fail, negatron dan, nokia defiled, nokia suicide, sell tulips, step 8 out of 5, the-end?,

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