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Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post

My thanks/post ratio is dropping to <6, so any post with <=6 thanks is likely to get deleted eventually. If you think a post was useful: click >>[Thanks!]
Otherwise I have no feedback to improve the quality of my answers
Mate, i appreciate your answers and all, but man, that is such a douchebag move. Are you telling me that if less than 6 people thank your post, you will delete and don't want others to benefit from it in the future? Why the heck do you want thanks/post ratio to be > 6???

Don't you know that helping people is ultimately a thankless job and that it is not done for fame/fortune?

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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
I don't know what you mean by multi-button, but I have'nt seen any nokia headset which does'nt have multiple button.

Just like any other Nokia Headset WH-500 has all those navigation keys, Rewind, fwd, Pause/Play, Volume and call receive/end
original n900 headset only has one button, this is also the only headset that does work properly with the n900.
All other nokia headsets are not supported by the n900...

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Originally Posted by djmvt View Post
original n900 headset only has one button, this is also the only headset that does work properly with the n900.
All other nokia headsets are not supported by the n900...
That's not exactly correct. N900 supports this kind of headsets only. Any random walkman-compatible headset/headphone should be supported, and if it has a single hold-button then that is supported as well.

N900 is built according to Class OMTP ConA1 in, and the one button we're talking about here works as specified in LC-0080 in that document.

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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2010-12-14 at 09:20.

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Posts: 215 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jul 2010
Originally Posted by djmvt View Post
original n900 headset only has one button, this is also the only headset that does work properly with the n900.
All other nokia headsets are not supported by the n900...
I agree that the default headset shipped with N900 has only one button that is used for answering and ending a call.

If I am not wrong Headset-Control is designed for music that he handles mediaplayer functions like pause/play, Revind, fwd etc.

So how is it helpful with N900 which consists of a headset with no Media keys?
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 193 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Brighton, UK
Originally Posted by joerg_rw View Post
N900 is built according to Class OMTP ConA1 in, and the one button we're talking about here works as specified in LC-0080 in that document.
Thanks joerg_rw, have been looking for a connector reference such as this.
ejasmudar's Avatar
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OK now this is going too far. As the instigator of this off-topic, I apologise. BUT, I humbly ask Mr.Joerg_Rw to please consider changing you policy to the following;
Keep posts for a week/fortnight and delete those posts that have NO thanks. If atleast ONE person appreciates your post, keep it.

Sheesh, what am I doing here? Begging you not to delete your post???

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Originally Posted by ejasmudar View Post
OK now this is going too far. As the instigator of this off-topic, I apologise. BUT, I humbly ask Mr.Joerg_Rw to please consider changing you policy to the following;
Keep posts for a week/fortnight and delete those posts that have NO thanks. If atleast ONE person appreciates your post, keep it.

Sheesh, what am I doing here? Begging you not to delete your post???
I completely agree with you about it going too far, and as such do apologise to others not involved in the off topic and will delete my OT posts so we can get back on.

Edit - Deleted..

Last edited by Dancairo; 2010-12-14 at 20:03.
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why cant this package do both at a time, play/pause for single press and next song for long press ???? It'd be awesome
I thought this command would do it: gconftool-2 --set /apps/headset-control/next-mode --type bool true
but i unerstand now what it only does
Posts: 31 | Thanked: 23 times | Joined on Feb 2011

I found this:

It seems like a kernel patch for using advanced headsets like HS-45/AD-54 maybe someone (more skilled than me) can make it work with n900

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Originally Posted by edoiks View Post

I found this:

It seems like a kernel patch for using advanced headsets like HS-45/AD-54 maybe someone (more skilled than me) can make it work with n900
Nice find, and indeed this tells us a bit about complexity of data exchange with those multibutton headsets.
Alas this driver is for moorestown platform it seems, and especially it is using a dedicated controller to actually communicate to the AV-jack, while this driver only talks to that controller unknown via I2C-bus. N900 has no such controller, the pity is we wouldn't need it as N95 also doesn't have and can do it - with a hardware rather similar to what we got in N900. But the real physical protocol that would tell us how to wiggle with the bits we have isn't mentioned with a single word in this kernel driver.
That's what I was thinking I found out with a few hours of reading the patch. I *might* be wrong.
Googling 5 min for ECI etc didn't yield any hits for decent specs on how the PHY level works, maybe somebody else is more lucky. With what we got now, we're only halfway there.


[edit, thanks javispedro]
The ECI controller, as I2C device is the variable part of the system.
In this case it's microcontroller in I2C bus, but there are other
versions too.
There is no specification about these controller's internals, and those
are quite different.
It is also possible to use other buses too for connecting controller to
terminal, like SPI.
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2011-02-20 at 18:22.

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ad-54/hs-45, headset button

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