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Posts: 10 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Well I spoke to some broker friends who work in the City (of London) today. Those that cover tech stocks all have meetings first thing on Monday morning for briefings about reducing their official recommendations on Nokia stock. They weren't certain what it would be, but most thought it would be an outright 'sell' as opposed to 'moderate sell' / 'underperform'.

The Elop / Ballmer briefing went down like a lead balloon in the City.

Last edited by supportnokia; 2011-02-12 at 21:07.
Posts: 3,664 | Thanked: 1,530 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Hamilton, New Zealand
This is why Stephen Elop merge Nokia with MS.

Look at the top stock share holder. He's 7th in the top 10
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Hello guys

I used to own an n900 but got rid of it for various reasons

I posted last year that
nokia should either TRULY open source the n900 or use Android

Well it seems now that microsoft simply HAS to get a large market share of the mobile OS or it is in trouble, deep trouble

I *can* really see M$ buying Nokia, esp with falling share price (anyone else see a connection between the M$ Trojan Horse and Share Price)

This is a double win for microsoft, not only has it a acquired a handset manufacturer but equally important is Nokias patent portfolio and this is where it does, in ,my opinion get scary

And if I remember rightly didnt Nokia buy QT ?? If so think Oracle Java Android.....................looks like another fork to join open office etc

bad times for open source lie ahead...........bad news indeed

I get this gut feeling that Nokia will be bought by M$ to attack android

I guess there is ZERO chance that Nokia will GPL the closed binaries now.................
Posts: 3,664 | Thanked: 1,530 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Hamilton, New Zealand
future prediction, Microsoft buying out Nokia. Yay enjoy your Nokia while it last. Soon all Nokia will be move to Asia base because it's cheaper to run. The Headquarter will be in USA and Finnish is finish.

Good job microsoft. You've succeeded implanted your virus Elop.downadub inside Nokia.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Originally Posted by maxximuscool View Post
future prediction, Microsoft buying out Nokia. Yay enjoy your Nokia while it last. Soon all Nokia will be move to Asia base because it's cheaper to run. The Headquarter will be in USA and Finnish is finish.

Good job microsoft. You've succeeded implanted your virus Elop.downadub inside Nokia.
Hey maximus dude !!!

not sure but i think we crossed words last year !!!!!...i got banned :*(

Spent two months in New Zealand (Oct and Nov 2010) and it was the best 2 months of my life....truly beautiful country and beautiful people. (Think beer and all blacks !!!!! down the pub watching the rugby)

Am applying for a work permit (fingers crossed)

Spent a few weeks in southern california (visiting relatives..flew LHR -> LAX -> AKL with Air New Zealand) NZ rapes america for lifestyle tbh........

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Anyone still think Microsoft is not out to "acquire" Nokia? At this rate, they won't have to buy it at all, just re-appoint everyone with M-Soft employees.
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Originally Posted by Brock View Post
Lok at this stock value... compare yesterday and today...

I hope that the board of directors will see their mistakes and fire that devil...
6.71... and still sinking... -20 % since thursday
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Originally Posted by Brock View Post
6.71... and still sinking... -20 % since thursday
waouh.... unfortunately i think it's not over. their stock will fall down again until they launch their smartphones. and the first month after, nokia will bankrupt because WP7 was not the solution... and microsoft will buy them.
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Obviously it is going down: the financial analysts know that this is a long-term strategy so for the short-term it has to be negative: Symbian will be gradually out, that is clearly a even larger than anticipated decline in its market share for 2011.
Then in the long term, this is risky (and risk has to be paid by lower share price) because will Microsoft succed in being a leader in this market? And another risk is the fact that profitability is expected to be down as the OS is no longer Nokia but a royalty to Microsoft.

What Nokia gain is still unclear. So the market is pricing down the company. It will be even worst if S&P is pushing down the note.
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Don't you think that if nokia had announced a google deal, the market appreciated it? (sorry for my english). I think investors don't trust in WP'7 strategy. There are right (in my opinion).
The second mistake was to announce this deal without nokia's wp7 products. now there is a gap between the annoucement and the firts nokia's release.
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goodbye nokia, investing, last quotes, lumiatard, samsung, specc=ericsson, stock, the elop flop, the flop elop, tizen

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