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Its too late for Nokia. They are already doomed. Right now if they fire Elop and bring back MeeGo and Symbian alive, they will be left way behind in the competition. Right now the best thing they can do is keep MeeGo and Symbian alive and still use them in their handsets give more varieties in their handsets.
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Originally Posted by maverick788us View Post
Its too late for Nokia. They are already doomed. Right now if they fire Elop and bring back MeeGo and Symbian alive, they will be left way behind in the competition. Right now the best thing they can do is keep MeeGo and Symbian alive and still use them in their handsets give more varieties in their handsets.
That is what I don't get. Why throw away already worked on home grown os's for an outside one that so far has failed and that you will not have exclusive rights to anyway? Nokia is a huge company would it really have been that hard to keep actively developing meego and just see what would happen? As opposed to basically giving it a public hanging in the middle to the town square?
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Originally Posted by extendedping View Post
That is what I don't get. Why throw away already worked on home grown os's for an outside one that so far has failed and that you will not have exclusive rights to anyway? Nokia is a huge company would it really have been that hard to keep actively developing meego and just see what would happen? As opposed to basically giving it a public hanging in the middle to the town square?
my sentiments exactly. only reason i can think of is that ms got scared of meego and it's potential to pull the rug from under windowms feet. symbian had the functionality, meego had the functionality and the wow factor.. would have been hard for ms to keep up with all the open source devs.
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I thought you were kidding with fake URLs

btw there is too
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Originally Posted by johnny_knoe View Post
Hehe, I think I actually would buy some Nokia shoes, their hardware has always been rock-solid. With some padding two E7s might work well as slippers? Or even snow skates - someone should make a video

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plan N for future linux devises. thats it thas all
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I think all these fake plans makes no credible the real plan b. It's funny but please don"t make follow those links...
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wow wow lol
as a matter of speaking, they can put the good old plan 9 into action

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it has a jolly good user experience

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a hoax, alcalde babble, bla bla bla, micronokiasoft, nokia sux nuts, nokia=epic fail, plan(a-z), plan(t)

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