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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
1. The only other horse is Android and then the market will be one iPhone and everything else Android. WP7 is like KDE4.0 and Windows Mobile is like KDE 3.5. It's going to take a little bit to get everything that was in the older version into the new one but a rewrite had to be done (unlike the "Symbian is forever" approach Nokia had).
According to Verizon, they see the three horse race as iOS, Android and Blackberry. WP7 isn't one of the ones they need.

The path to overcome even Blackberry will be hard at the moment until more enterprise solutions are in place for Microsoft/Nokia.

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Originally Posted by extendedping View Post
That is what I don't get. Why throw away already worked on home grown os's for an outside one that so far has failed and that you will not have exclusive rights to anyway? Nokia is a huge company would it really have been that hard to keep actively developing meego and just see what would happen? As opposed to basically giving it a public hanging in the middle to the town square?
There is no MeeGo. MeeGo does not exist in a deployable form at this time. They decided not to pin their hopes on something they've spent a fortune on and is still not in a saleable form after several years. Symbian is a fossil and not going to regain the smartphone market for them and can't compete against Android appearing on low-end devices. I read an article last evening about a phone that's waterproof, impact-resistant, has a solar panel on it, runs Android 2.2, and the manufacturer is hoping will sell for $100 in emerging markets like India. Symbian's not going to compete against Android 2.2 in the low-end market.

Nokia chose a new OS backed by the world's largest software developer that needs them as much as they need a new OS. They'll have the resources of Microsoft developing the OS while Nokia can concentrate on its hardware prowess. Nokia also gets to customize the OS and influence its future direction, which is like having your own OS except this one is ready to deploy and won't have R&D costs associated with it.

Nokia is rapidly losing marketshare. If they let their competitors get too big, the point will be reached where Nokia is too small to stop them. Just "seeing what will happen" with MeeGo would be suicide for the company. Remember Elop's burning platform analogy? That would be akin to waiting to see if the sprinklers turn on... the ones that you spend 3x market rate on and which failed to work every time you tested them before.

Elop was brought in to turn the company around and he's rightly decided from a business standpoint to de-emphasize or eliminate projects that have shown no return on the massive amounts of R&D money that were spent. What MeeGo's going through now is the result of the failure to deliver sooner, all the changes and restarts, merging with Moblin, etc. That's not Elop's fault. MeeGo's fate was sealed before he became CEO.
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Originally Posted by deyons View Post

Hes meeting with Intel today to talk about future of Meego

Also he said "You're going to see a bunch of highly exciting MeeGo announcements today."

^ thats where he is going to save his ***
Well i don't see any MeeGo annuncements today

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Originally Posted by joelsk View Post
my sentiments exactly. only reason i can think of is that ms got scared of meego and it's potential to pull the rug from under windowms feet. symbian had the functionality, meego had the functionality and the wow factor.. would have been hard for ms to keep up with all the open source devs.
Soooo..... somehow Microsoft made Nokia lose market share for three years, then somehow made the board hire Elop, then made the board approve his plan... oh, and made the shareholders vote in that board in the first place? Why doesn't Microsoft just do the same Jedi mind trick on Google and Apple? Oh and HTC and Samsung and Motorola? When someone comes into a store and wants to buy some Motorola phones, a secret Microsoft agent could tell them, "These aren't the Droids you're looking for."
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Originally Posted by xerxes2 View Post
WTF! Are you saying that Android isn't the future for consumers? And Meego is much better than Android on decent hardware.
You've actually seen MeeGo?
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Originally Posted by smoothc View Post
I dont know if it has been metioned before, but look at what happened to Microsoft’s previous strategic mobile partners:

This got torn apart on a real tech site (Anandtech) for being filled with factual and logical errors, non sequiturs, etc.
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Originally Posted by gruik View Post
Verizon doesnt't believe in nokia-microsoft alliance. They're right but when i read it statement i think that US are very arrogant
He just takes his talking points from, that's all. Perhaps he was trying to win Apple's favor since they just got the iPhone. The crazy thing, as the article points out, is that Microsoft has just added CDMA support to WP7 so that it can run on Verizon and Sprint's networks.
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To understand why Nokia's frozen dead wood board defecated without bothering to unbuckle, Rescuing Nokia? A former exec has a radical plan - The Risku Manifesto is a must-read.

They had already done reorgs (deckchairs, Titanic, cue to theme music...) by shifting the masses of incompetents around but never had the guts to do the absolutely necessary heavy trimming. Think of the proteges!

The linked four-page article gives good background information on Nokia's paralyzing sickness. And some good suggestions on how to fix it.

Unfortunately the *****s on the board went and did the exact opposite: elop.

The Plan B guys are clearly influenced by The Risku Manifesto...

With the microsoftie dᴉck now holding the reins it will be extremely difficult to make effective changes (doesn't the Finnish gov't have some kind of oversight authority left?), but while the employees work on their resumes and learning MFC and the masses of middle managers are busy finding things to manage, the company should spin off two competent core groups (with minimum of management!) - one for designing *two* ultimate MeeGo phones (ARM-based!) and another for finishing the Qt tools *and* core apps - with only one instruction: DO IT!

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Originally Posted by alcalde View Post
1. The only other horse is Android and then the market will be one iPhone and everything else Android. WP7 is like KDE4.0 and Windows Mobile is like KDE 3.5. It's going to take a little bit to get everything that was in the older version into the new one but a rewrite had to be done (unlike the "Symbian is forever" approach Nokia had).

Windows sales dipped because manufacturers stopped making WM6.5 phones and not too many began making WP7 phones. With Nokia, that changes. Nokia sales also dipped in 2009 and 2010 because of the outdated appearance of its software. With WP7 that's also about to change. I just don't see the gloom and doom. Sure it's going to be tough battling Google and Apple, but not any tougher than it was before. The partnership of Nokia and Microsoft definitely makes it a three horse race.
There is no three horse race. There are three big horses, iOS, Symbian and Android, and then there are a bunch of small ones, Blackberry, WebOS, Meego, WP, Bada, LiMo and possibly some others too.
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Originally Posted by naabi View Post
Quote from Engadget, to me this seems like true multi-tasking, but I don't have the facts.

Microsoft indicated it didn't previously allow for third-party multitasking due to battery life concerns, but those concerns have been mitigated -- somehow. We're not sure of the API-level details that's letting all this magic happen, but we'll look for those later. All we know right know is that it looks great and we can't wait to try it out for ourselves.
thats why they Microsoft need Nokia emplyers cause they now Microsoft is bad on embedded platform and powersave!

a hoax, alcalde babble, bla bla bla, micronokiasoft, nokia sux nuts, nokia=epic fail, plan(a-z), plan(t)

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