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qwazix's Avatar
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I've been trying for 2 days now to boot debian (not easy-debian) but a full debian on the N900, using maemo kernel and a memory card, but I always get failed to mount device guru meditation error. My debian.item looks like this

ITEM_DEVICE="${EXT_CARD}p3" (I also have NITdroid on the sd)
ITEM_MODULES="mbcache jbd ext3"

I have tried without quotes, adding errors=remount-ro
I have also tried copying the kernel from maemo to the memory card again but I see nothing different

Has anyone done this before? Do you see any obvious mistake?

Last edited by qwazix; 2013-06-25 at 19:01.

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first ,
why are you doing this the old way ?
use u-boot , and use the debian kernel the dev. is providing , I think he put the link to this kernel on his blog .

anyway , if you insist on using maemo's kernel..
make sure it is NOT power kernel , debian won't boot using power kernel
make sure you copy modules and firmware to the debian partition
are you sure you installed debian to partition 3 on sdcard ?
also , have you used the tarball , or built debian using deboot strap ?

please describe what you have done already in great detail, and where you get stuck..

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ok thank you very much for starts.

1. I didn't know there was old and new way, I saw that website, and went with the instructions, because I thought it would be faster to have debian boot by itself than chrooted. Also I thought using maemo's kernel would provide basic hardware functionality (I need wlan and 3g basicly - and of course touchscreen and keyboard)

2. I didn't use uboot because I have multiboot installed and I was afraid to mess them up.

3. I have used the tarball method, but after some failed attempts, I re-did some of the steps of the manual install. Copied kernel and modules again, replaced watchdog configuration (even after I saw that the uncommented part was actually the same, but I tried anyway)

4. Gparted shows 3 partitions, 1 FAT (empty, boot flag), 2 ext3 (NITdroid - booting fine with ${EXT_CARD}p2), 3 ext3 debian
also I can mount it fine using /dev/mmcblk1p3 and chroot into it so yes I am pretty sure it is debian on partition 3

5. I have powerkernel installed but it;s 2.6.28-omap1 that I moved into /mnt/debian/lib/modules. I also tried specifying the kernel in the .item file but no joy

6. When I reboot and select debian at the multiboot screen it returns

mounting root device mmcblk0p3 FAILED
 Guru Meditation xxxxxxx.xxxxxxx

Last edited by qwazix; 2013-06-25 at 19:02.
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 274 times | Joined on Jul 2010
sorry for late reply ,
If you have multiboot , you have to specify which kernel to be used in the item file

Last edited by ivyking; 2011-03-05 at 14:19.
qwazix's Avatar
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no problem!
I tried that but I still cannot boot. It stays on the multiboot "wait for boot" screen and eventually it turns off.

I also tried the u-boot solution, but the links for the kernel and initrd are broken, and also touchscreen is not working so there is really no point. I don't know if there is a way of using the meego kernel for debian.

Last edited by qwazix; 2013-06-25 at 19:03.
qwazix's Avatar
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After reading about 70 pages of the ubuntu thread I have concluded that the guide here does not work with multiboot and pr1.3.

If anybody made it work with this configuration please come forward.

Last edited by qwazix; 2013-06-25 at 19:03.
qwazix's Avatar
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After skimming through 70 pages of the ubuntu on n900 thread I reached the conclusion that the guide here does not work with pr1.3 and multiboot.

If anyone has managed to make it work with this configuration please state it.

Last edited by qwazix; 2013-06-25 at 19:03.
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 274 times | Joined on Jul 2010
this isn't related to pr1.3 , also you should be using the kernel from the dev page in the future, for now the links seem broken as you already noticed , but I think that would be fixed soon .

anyway I will try and install it again using maemo's kernel , as I am more than 99% sure this can work quite fine with pr1.3 kernel .

sorry for late reply , it does boot fine with maemo kernel ,
also check the debian kernel at :
it works fine with u-boot , and the following page would be populated in the future
just don't expect much running this right now ..

Last edited by ivyking; 2011-03-07 at 15:31.

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I am probably wrong about the impossibility, maybe I had an old version of multiboot or something else. Now I messed up (I tried to boot maemo from sd and the rootfs got f**d up) and I had to reflash. I'm going with the uboot way now, but I still can't make it work with the power46wl kernel

Last edited by qwazix; 2013-06-25 at 19:04.
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Cracow, Poland
Is it possible to install it on eMMC? I have only class 2 card and a lot of free space on eMMC.

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