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Originally Posted by ohrn View Post
The help is misleading, those shortcuts only work on phones with the classic 0-9, * and # keypads. There is currently no support for shortcuts on qwerty keyboards, unfortunately.


That's too bad

I hope these get implemented soon!

For instance, the multi-tab feature of Opera is not really very usable without a quick way of cycling through the tabs. To switch tabs takes 4 screen taps:
  • tap the arrow to open the toolbar
  • tap on the tabs button
  • tap on the tab to select it
  • tap on the page to focus it

Switching quickly back and forth between two tabs is pretty cumbersome.

The built-in browser without tabs uses the system multitasker which is two clicks away. Sure you clutter up the main task list with web pages, but it's faster to go between them.

Similarly, Find In Page is 3 taps, and you lose the search field as soon as you scroll the page.


P.S. Thank you for continuing to develop Opera for Maemo. I've used Opera for 13 years on the desktop, and I've been delighted to find that it has always been there as I've changed platforms (from Windows to Ubuntu to Maemo).
Posts: 2,829 | Thanked: 1,459 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Finland
Itīs bit faster, but I loved one tap zoom. Now it doesnīt always regonize double tap because itīs too busy on rendering page. Also "close opened tab with hitting back button" seems to not work.
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Originally Posted by slender View Post
Also "close opened tab with hitting back button" seems to not work.
Yeah that bothers me too...
I don't mind the doubletap zoom, tho. And i love the new zoom buttons!
tso's Avatar
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I found that the old one tap zoom annoying as opera had a bad habit of rendering pages that could fit nicely inside the screen as larger then the screen and then zoom just a little bit so that you lost the outer 10 pixels or something.
Be warned, posts are often line of thoughts at highway speeds...
Posts: 105 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Aug 2009 @ Finland
This is sweet. I have been using Opera on N900 since the first release. It is actually the most used software on my N900. I love the new version. At first some of the changes were hard to swallow and it seemed somewhat slower, but after couple of hours of usage it seems much better than the previous one.

Good work and I hope Opera will be also available on the N950, if and when ever it will arrive!
Posts: 118 | Thanked: 89 times | Joined on Aug 2010
@Ohrn, thanks for the update to Opera .

However, could you please start a new thread for Opera11 as it things are getting a tad confusing..particularly as the first post relates to v10.
Posts: 523 | Thanked: 292 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Thanks for your continued support, it is a pity we don't get similar support from Nokia!

Just one question have you any idea why the Meego developers preparing the developer edition for meego on the N900 are not considering Opera as there preferred browser if it already works on the meego o/s for a tab? At present whilst Fennec and a few other browser are being considered Opera doesn't even seem to warrent a mention?
hawaii's Avatar
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I'd also like to thank you for the continued support. Great work on the newest release.
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Thanks again for the replies ohrn

I found out that if you scroll fast with your fingers (when zoomed in on a page) you will see a big arrow to the way you scroll, this will bring to the top or bottom of the page

love this feature (since shortcuts doesn't work on Opera )
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fast browser, opera

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