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Posts: 100 | Thanked: 543 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Kiev, Ukraine
Originally Posted by Nozu View Post
I updated wgames. I started Earthworm Jim from manager, keyboard mapping still didn't work. I'm using Finnish locale if that has something to do with it. I decided to uninstall EJ, got some script errors at part 4 of uninstalling. I got some script errors also when I installed the EJ earlier. I tried to reinstall the game after uninstallation. It just gets stuck at part 4 of installing: unpacking folders (this may take a while). I have waited for couple of hours with no change. I tried uninstalling wgames and deleting folders MyDocs/Games and user/Games and then again starting over the reinstalling. No help, it gets stuck at part 4 - unpacking folders... =/
Nozu, yeah, games unpacking sometimes makes N900 crazy and even make errors on vfat filesystem (it's not wgames issue, it's pretty common for large files copying/unpacking operations). I'm trying to find a way to minimize it's influence on the system.
Try to reboot and reinstall EJ. I'm really interested in positive feedback about keyboard support.

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Originally Posted by cloud596 View Post
if I suggest u to make wgames similiar to ngage application.
what I mean is . I had installed most of games under 10 gb optify manually and using deb package of course.
so why u dont put execution file manually for anyone who installed first befor this application released.
e.g I put mygame under /homeavuser/game so u can add execution file such as /home/user/game/
and one more suggestion to make it similiar to ngage while first open application u can see list if game installed of course click it will start the game scroll to right it will change to manage game (delete and install )and save
Not sure I've understood you correctly, but..
1) I've seen a lot of tutorials/howtos on how to install preenv games manually. They all are quite different and It's almost impossible to deal with all possible manual game installations.
2) can you provide some urls/screenshots? I'll take a look in a spare time.
Posts: 509 | Thanked: 522 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ indonesia
Originally Posted by divan View Post
Not sure I've understood you correctly, but..
1) I've seen a lot of tutorials/howtos on how to install preenv games manually. They all are quite different and It's almost impossible to deal with all possible manual game installations.
2) can you provide some urls/screenshots? I'll take a look in a spare time.
i think it should be easy to implement it most of game web os , if u see under /usr/share/applications/hildon,
game exec it the path with execution file for example if use desktopgen /home/user/game/
the exec file should be / home/user/game/"nfsuc" the quote one mean exec file,
so it should be easy i thought to just add exec file for each game.
i hope u got my point.

example for ngage

Posts: 9 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2011 @ india
thnx thnx thxnx a lott i uninstald avtar n reinstald n keypad working u r gr8 Divan rock star superstar geniousm game lover thncx a lot
Posts: 173 | Thanked: 106 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Originally Posted by divan View Post
Nozu, yeah, games unpacking sometimes makes N900 crazy and even make errors on vfat filesystem (it's not wgames issue, it's pretty common for large files copying/unpacking operations). I'm trying to find a way to minimize it's influence on the system.
Try to reboot and reinstall EJ. I'm really interested in positive feedback about keyboard support.
I translated for you in Taiwan in Chinese language

Last edited by couldvbb; 2011-04-09 at 12:33.
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Denmark
Originally Posted by Alfred View Post
I don't think it is a good one. Cause this way we won't be able to see which games are supporrted. And a lot of guys will be asking this here on TMO, which is not a good thing. don't you think?
i dont want it locked... i want it with an on/off fuction and turned off by default... then it shoudnt be a problem?

Last edited by infected69; 2011-04-04 at 10:27.
Posts: 75 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Dec 2009
I have been trying to install the Earthworm Jim with no prevail. It just gets stuck during the installation. I once again decided to remove the EJ folder manually to start over but this time I wasn't able to delete the folders. The EJ data folder contains long gibberish filenames that are ascii symbols and I get a message that the filesystem is read-only. I don't know if I will be able to remove those folder any other way than reflashing, argh! =(
Posts: 96 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jul 2010
are more games going to be added to the app

The Following User Says Thank You to moradeeb For This Useful Post:
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I suspect i'm having thye same problem as mentiond above, regarding installation. I have tried installing X-Plane (Default and Carrier) and everything seems fine untill step 4 (Unpack archive (this may take a while)) which doesnt finish. I've kept it running for aprox 30 min and after 5min it stops using considerable resources and i've cancelled the installation and tried over again with other versions.

I have not experienced that i cannot delete directories.

Is there a way i can see whats going on in xterm and I could post the output here?

Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ UK
Hello, I am having problems of installing angry birds, and angry birds seasons together. they work when one is installed and the other isnt.

I have the IPK files for them. angrybirds seasons is v1.3 and angry birds is v1.5.1.

Any help is appreciated thanks.

P.S Divan keep up the good work!

easy to manage, games, lame idea, preenv, runs crappy

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