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3 days later i can finaly build and run my maemo applications through qtcreator using madde. i can not tell you what i did to turn the red tick green i just kept pressing it and eventualy it worked.

the reson i could not include anything in my current svn project when i could in a new project was that my svn project needed to be moved localy into the qtcreator install directory. this clears up all include probems. cheers for all ur help.
Posts: 225 | Thanked: 64 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by jamie721 View Post
i will try your links and do it that way. but the state i am in now is that i can not get the red cross green but i didnt bother with it because you said i didnt have to. so i can start a build it fails and lists every include saying its not a file.
The red cross/green tick is just for the debugging helpers (things that allow you to e.g. inspec tthe values of variables while debugging - I cant get the damn things to work anyway, even when I have a green tick, it jsut says "debugging helpers not found"

anyways, I digress..

any ideas sorry i am a good programmer but most of my development has been in java and javame. as the n900 doesnt support them i thought maybe it was time to brush up on my c++ skills as im a game programmer i wanted to use a gui system similer to java and i found qt.
I know how you feel; i'm c# and java, some C, so a lot of this is alien (and learning rapidly. probably forgetting rapidly too)

do i need to include the libs somewere in the project? any help would be much appritaited.
Which libs would those be? Generally, yes you'll need to include some Qt lib if youre using some qt class out of that lib

For example, I wrote a class that did nothing other than hold 2 QStrings
And the QStrings were underlined because they were undefined.. didnt happen in any of my other classes, until I realised I hadnt done:

#include <QtCore>

in my .h

every other class I used in the example app was inheriting an already existing QClass so getting its incs from there..

does qt creator support subversion as well ?
I beleive so, but the #qt-creator channel on irc may be a better place to ask. I probably wont use svn type stuff until i get round to garaging my project
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Apr 2010
I was successfully build an application on my N900 using madde. Its easier to use with ad-hoc network actually as I dont need to worry about those connectivity problems.
However, the only feedback is that those QT libs in madde is old versions and I dont know how to upgrade it. ex: libqt4-xml, any help???

Last edited by lamle; 2010-04-25 at 14:32.
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 97 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Finland, Kerava
Now you can have Qt Creator + MADDE together's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jamie721 View Post
g++ -c -pipe -O3 -g -Wall -W
-D_REENTRANT -fPIC -DUSE_QT_GUI=1 -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I../mkspecs/default -I. -I../../../include/qt4/QtCore -I../../../include/qt4/QtGui -I../../../include/qt4 -I. -o gdbmacros.o gdbmacros.cpp.

Isnt this obsolete now ? i feel it's safe to remove it , can you confirm ?
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