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mrsellout's Avatar
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First of all can I commend you for your hard work in producing a fine replacement for the stock app.

I have noticed one bug, although I don't know whether it should be called a bug.

When using the front camera with the phone physically in portrait mode, the image is upside down.

I think it's a function of the front camera. When you use the mirror app, the video is a mirror image. Try looking at some writing using the app, it's backwards. The new camera-ui front camera image is a true representation of the image
ndi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sony123 View Post
Well, I would like to have ev, too. I use it constantly, setting it to -0.5 because I think the default exposure is too bright to my liking.
That's likely because camera errs on the side of brighter. A picture that has been overexposed and then darkened has more information than one that has been underexposed - sometimes more than one that has been correctly exposed.

Higher exposure means less noise and better detail in the blacks in 99 percent of the cases. Ideally, one should edit the image afterwards. Which recompresses it, but it can't be helped with compact technology.
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anapospastos's Avatar
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What are really L & P stands for? L is for reducing exposure and P for increasing? If it so then documentation here is wrong.
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MohammadAG's Avatar
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Originally Posted by anapospastos View Post
What are really L & P stands for? L is for reducing exposure and P for increasing? If it so then documentation here is wrong.
Umm, neither?
L sets landscape mode and P sets portrait mode (camera modes, not orientation)
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As a follow-up to

stock camera-ui:


They were both taken in a somewhat darkish environment (my room with blinds drawn, no artificial light other than from my laptop's screen). This is reproducable in that stock seems to always focus and ui2 never does. For ui2, the distance meter always shows 16.28 cm, whatever the actual distance is.
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Globally killing trackerd is not nice. If you don't want to have tracker index the data you're creating, you could write your data to a directory that tracker won't index. That's what cutetube-qml does for its downloads, for example.

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Originally Posted by jacktanner View Post
Globally killing trackerd is not nice. If you don't want to have tracker index the data you're creating, you could write your data to a directory that tracker won't index. That's what cutetube-qml does for its downloads, for example.
True, but on the other hand you do want to have this vids indexed, but not while you are recording, and IMHO it does not make sense to have anything indexed while recording, as recording alone already pushes the I/O towards its limits. So if you would copy the video after recording to an indexed folder and tracker starts indexing, it would still interfere if the user decides to take another vid. "Killall -STOP trackerd" btw. does not kill tracker, it suspends the task (stays in memory) until it's continued with "killall -CONT". I agree, it's quite brutal, not the most elegant way for sure, but it seems there is no perfect solution unless trackerd has some interface to pause indexing.


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Just want to pop my head up to say: I have no problems with the camera-ui installed via CSSU, and I am absolutely loving the way it tells me what distance it's focused at

Fantastic work.

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ndi's Avatar
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Camera should record to an unindexed location/extension, and rename/move when done.
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nicolai's Avatar
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Has someone actually tried this, I mean
manually stop tracker
start recording
and compare results?


camera-ui, fremantle

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