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Originally Posted by Blaizzen View Post
Just uploaded a new version to devel with more logging (so it'll add to the log what voices are added to the list of spoken commands, and hence maybe it'll identify where issues can arise).

Additionally I found an issue when espeak is not installed, it goes into an endless cycle waiting for the voices to be returned. This has been fixed so that if espeak is not available, it will not give you the option of espeak and disable the function.

Let me know if there are any issues/bugs or if your log says that the sounds are added but still no sound is played.

Edit: Found a slight bug when you change voice language during runtime, it doesn't load the command tester properly. Will be fixed in next version as its nothing major. To get passed it, just restart the server after changing language.
Hi Friend,

Nice work. Am trying this out now...

I got the index.html file replaced. Upon starting Ovi Maps, I did notice the extra features being there.

Next is for me to work on the voice navigation feature. Hopefully I can get it to work, because whenever I discover/learn something about the N900 I write up tutorials. I also have video tutorials, you may want to check here: Hoping to make something for the Ovi Maps Extra Features.

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Hey there,
I've upgraded to the new omvoiceserver-version, which has now disabled the espeak-options. That relating to your changelog tells me that the omvoiceserver did not regoniszes my espeak installation. Bur starting espeak in the console or using the espeak-gui works fine for me. @blaizzen: Is there any way I ca provide you with some more detailed informations?
Let me know,

P.S. I didn't tested yet, if the voice files, but without streetnames works.

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Originally Posted by blck View Post
Hey there,
I've upgraded to the new omvoiceserver-version, which has now disabled the espeak-options. That relating to your changelog tells me that the omvoiceserver did not regoniszes my espeak installation. Bur starting espeak in the console or using the espeak-gui works fine for me. @blaizzen: Is there any way I ca provide you with some more detailed informations?
Let me know,

P.S. I didn't tested yet, if the voice files, but without streetnames works.
Damn Qt

I just tested the devel version and its also disabled espeak for me, but when I ran the same version from QtCreator on my N900, espeak was working fine.

Here is the code that checks for espeak. and I test the state, as 2 should be running (
If anyone can find a fix, it would be awesome. For now I shall bang my head on my desk....
    //Get espeak languages
    QStringList arguments;
    arguments << "--voices";
    QProcess *espeakServer = new QProcess(this);

    if (espeakServer->state() == 2)

        while (!espeakServer->canReadLine())

        QByteArray result = espeakServer->readAll();
        QStringList lst;
        lst << result;

        QString vlist = lst[0];
        QStringList voiceList;
        voiceList = vlist.split("\n");

        QStringList strParts;

        //Lets Log it!
        for (int v=1; v<voiceList.count(); v++)
            strParts = voiceList[v].split(" ");
            if (strParts.count() > 1)

        //set the default espeak
        int defaultLang = ui->cmbeSpeakLang->findText(defaultEspeak);
        if (defaultLang > -1)
If you do test the working remainder of the app, can you let me know if the voice files are added to the list? I added a bit to help me identify if the files are added or not.
            QStringList sFSplit = soundFiles.split("|");
            for (int f = 0; f < sFSplit.count(); f++)
                ui->txtLog->append("Adding Sound File:" + sFSplit[f]);
Edit: banging head might have worked. Trying different method to test for espeak. Will be uploaded soon.

Last edited by Blaizzen; 2011-04-24 at 04:35.

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Hey Blaizzen,
I've downloaded the new version, now the espeak-stuff is enabled again. I will test navigation with voice guidiance tomorrow.

Cheers, Blck
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Originally Posted by blck View Post
Hey Blaizzen,
I've downloaded the new version, now the espeak-stuff is enabled again. I will test navigation with voice guidiance tomorrow.

Cheers, Blck
Same here. Thanks!
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the newer verison(0.1-11) of omvs works ok for me

Posts: 26 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ Milano
I've installed omvs and placed up the voice files for italian (downloaded from here : under the cities\Voices folder, but when I open omvs the program crashes.
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I've just sent another version to Devel (0.1-12). This version includes a few fixes submitted by Roman/Morgan (you know who you are... I don't know your username). They include creating the POI folder if its not present, and allowing for non-english characters to be used in search. I did not include the dependency to espeak as in a previous version, I made sure that if its not installed, it wouldn't allow the option of spoken street names (or at least I hope its doing that).

Additionally, Cheve requested support for mbrola, which has now been kinda added. The config file now includes a line
Adding anything after that will allow that to be used as a custom language. Hence
will add the option to use English or Greek. You can add as many as you like, incorrectly entered items will not work (espeak would just throw out errors which my app doesn't gather anyway). If this line is not added, it'll be added when you close OMVS and rerun it (or just enter it manually). For information on how to add mbrola, check here:

As usual, let me know of any bugs or requests.

Edit: Maybe the mbrola doesn't work... maybe it does... I'm a little unsure if its working or not as it tells me it cannot find the voice file but still plays it. Maybe Cheve can shed some light on this.

Last edited by Blaizzen; 2011-04-29 at 15:23.

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@ Blazzien: The installation steps shown in was kind of pure luck that it worked for my setup. So if anyone of you who has more experience; please share to make the install step better.

Have you had a chance to review post where woody14619 has suggested additional steps. Does the latest omvs depends on the additional setup? Or his additional setup would cause conflict with the omvs? please advice.


Last edited by cheve; 2011-04-29 at 20:22.
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Originally Posted by cheve View Post
Have you had a chance to review post where woody14619 has suggested additional steps. Does the latest omvs depends on the additional setup? Or his additional setup would cause conflict with the omvs? please advice.
My changes make espeak behave differently to use an mbrola voice by default without altering the espeak command line. In that regard the changes are transparent to any program using espeak, so there would be no impact on omvs.

I would encourage the change to omvs to select the voice to still be made, however, since this will allow people to select a non-default voice that better matches the turn directions. For example, my default voice is now en-us1, which is female. Hearing the ombs male voice say "Turn right", then a female voice say "at Market Drive", would be almost more distracting than the old robo-voice.

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