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Originally Posted by gnuite
Icons should be placed under your Map Cache directory, in a sub-directory called "poi". You can provide icons for categories as a whole or for individual POIs (or both - the most specific icon found is used). The name of the icon file should be "[category-name].jpg" (all lower case) or "[poi-label].jpg" (even if the icon is a PNG file).
It would be great if somebody could provide a set of icons for the default categories, e.g. simply packaged as poi.tar
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Originally Posted by armin
It would be great if somebody could provide a set of icons for the default categories, e.g. simply packaged as poi.tar
you can find lots of icons at: overlays
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Originally Posted by gnuite
Do not attempt to modify the XML manually.

Not that a know of. You can use gconftool-2 to modify settings individually. Use "gconftool-2 --help" or google gconftool-2 for help on how to use gconftool-2.

Otherwise, just use Maemo Mapper itself to edit the settings...
For anyone else that wants to edit settings in a file:
To save all settings to a file:
gconftool-2 --dump "/apps/maemo/maemo-mapper" > /media/mmc1/MMMaps/testdump
To load all settings back in from the file:
gconftool-2 --load=/media/mmc1/MMMaps/testdump
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Originally Posted by ilia
is it possible to interface with mapquest to generate GPX?
No... It's hard enough to get them from Google Maps.
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Originally Posted by ReinhardE
The following patch allows Maemo Mapper to download maps from WMS servers (useful for hiking).
For downloads and more information look at: MM-Extensions
With this patch, I get a Segmentation fault when I try to download Sat photos from google. I have three repositories set up, one for each of:
Only the last one produces seg faults. It fails even if I remove the other two repositories.
(If you use the gconftool-2 --dump and --load, & needs to be & in the file.)
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This release fixes the startup crash when there are no settings, and also restores the broken "Download-by-Route" functionality.

As usual, the release is available for download from the Maemo Mapper Garage Files page, or simply update from the Maemo Garage Extras repository.

Or you can try something new: whether or not you have Maemo Mapper installed, and even whether or not you have the Maemo Garage repository set up, you can download the maemo-mapper.install file to automatically set up the repository and install Maemo Mapper. This is in testing, but it should work. (There is one issue: if you already have the repository set up, opening the file will not force an update of the repository, so it may not offer the most recent version of Maemo Mapper. You'll have to update your repository info manually.)

In addition to the bug fixes mentioned above, internationalization has also been fixed (it actually works now; sorry for the delay). There are currently translations available for en_US, it_IT, and nl_NL.

If you would like to help out by translating Maemo Mapper to your language (it's really simple; you do not need to know C or have any programming knowledge at all), please create a Maemo Garage account and request to be added to the Maemo Mapper development team, with a comment stating the language for which you would like to translate.

Last edited by gnuite; 2006-10-29 at 16:52. Reason: you do NOT need to know C
ReinhardE's Avatar
Posts: 35 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005 @ München
Originally Posted by poulsone
With this patch, I get a Segmentation fault when I try to download Sat photos from google.
Should work with the patch for 1.2.4
Attached Files
File Type: txt maemo-mapper_1.2.4-wms.patch.txt (8.3 KB, 184 views)
Posts: 188 | Thanked: 90 times | Joined on Sep 2006
Originally Posted by gnuite
If you would like to help out by translating Maemo Mapper to your language (it's really simple; you do know need to know C or have any programming knowledge at all), please create a Maemo Garage account and request to be added to the Maemo Mapper development team, with a comment stating the language for which you would like to translate.

I'm guessing this should read:
you do not need to know C or have any programming knowledge at all
To come back to my altitude request: am I really the only one who would like to see the altitude info in the track, after saving?
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Originally Posted by gnuite
This release fixes the startup crash when there are no settings, and also restores the broken "Download-by-Route" functionality.
And you forgot to mention, but not to code, a great improvement: now it remembers and auto-loads at startup the routes that where opened before quitting (and it works even with multiple routes!)

You're the one gnuite! Now it's a really usable app even without GPS... (provided the Google Maps service continues to work for free, and the GPX driving directions server continues to serve as well)

Last edited by insert_nick; 2006-10-29 at 14:19.
Posts: 75 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2006
Originally Posted by aRTee
To come back to my altitude request:
am I really the only one who would like to see the altitude info in the track, after saving?
You're not the only one. I'd like altitude / elevation in the track, too.

I'd also like a feature where it would auto-save the track every time it got N new positions for the track so that if/when MM crashes or the battery dies or etc, I would still have my track.

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