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pursueky's Avatar
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ NanJing China
As the title ,being a almost addicted player of Wildlands,its easy crash makes me down.
This noon when I resumed the game (this archive I have played for more than 19 hrs )at the cpu rate of 1.1Ghz (otherwise you can't fluently run it )for less than half an hour.Suddenly it crashed directly into the desktop without any save!!!
My effort ruined just in several minutes and it's the X time occured to me.
I really can't stand it !!!

Last edited by pursueky; 2010-07-10 at 15:44.
Posts: 65 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Let's see if I get this right:
you played the game and in keeps crashing, and the save games got deleted?
pursueky's Avatar
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ NanJing China
Originally Posted by barzam View Post
Let's see if I get this right:
you played the game and in keeps crashing, and the save games got deleted?
you are right
schettj's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pursueky View Post
you are right
Try not running at 1.1ghz, or contact the developer and let them know they have a bug.
mthmob's Avatar
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i'm guessing your talking about Widelands? i havent seen any game called Wildlands on the n900...

Anyway i've been playing Widelands.. alot.. i have not seen it crash.. not even once (might just be luck).

I ran it just fine on an 850MHrz overclock.. it ran very smooth.

So either your damaging your device by running a way to high overclock (keep in mind that if the cpu cant handle the speed, it can screw up the data its proccessing, like f.ex. kill your savegame files when you try to save)

If that is not the case.. you found a bug that i could not find.. Or you need a reflash on your n900..

I hope you find out whats wrong, i can understand your frustration when considering your addicted to the game

Last edited by mthmob; 2010-07-11 at 02:23.
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Thread moved to Games.

Always try to post in the most specific sub-forum you can. You'll get more relevant attention that way.
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Thread "I can't stand it !!!The game Wildlands crashes frequently" merged.

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zehjotkah's Avatar
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I tried to install Widelands on my old N810 (gave it to my sister), but the data-file from the first post is deleted.
Does anyone have a copy?
Or better yet: did anyone compile a new version for Diablo (OS2009)?

Estel's Avatar
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Sorry for asking in long-forgotten thread, but i wasn't able to find more appropriate one.

Is this port (for N900) still maintained? Widelands build 16 was released some time ago, which contain TONS of bugfixes, enhancements (also graphic ones), etc. Would *love* to see it on N900.

If original developer is still here, but don't have time/interest in releasing updated version, maybe she/he can at least explain some maemo specific fixxes/hacks, that would make it easier for new developer to start maintaining it? They said that compiling widelands on linux should be pretty straightforward, so if Maemo port doesn't need voodoo tricks (or even moderate programming skill...) I would try to maintain it.

Of course, I would prefer giving feedback/bug testing, cause my programming skill is almost un-existent - I can only compile something properly (hopefully...), but this is such nice game (and nice port! Really one of best-working on Maemo), that I really doesn't want to see it orphaned.

// Edit

Just realized, that N900 port was done by smoku, so *definitely* no one is maintaining it...

So, is there anyone more experienced than me interested in maintaining it at least to cope with upstream releases? Don't be ashamed, I would really love to see such things happening... If not, I'll be forced to try it, which most probably mean there will be no working Build 16 Widelands :P
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Last edited by Estel; 2011-07-18 at 01:57.

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Posts: 1,042 | Thanked: 430 times | Joined on May 2010
Hi! Smoku is still here(rarely) you could ask him if what maemo specific additions did he make for wildlands.

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