Poll: What device/OS platform are you coming from? Please just for non-Maemo
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What device/OS platform are you coming from? Please just for non-Maemo

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Posts: 220 | Thanked: 129 times | Joined on Nov 2009
I've asked those who came from "other" platforms to specify which platform they're coming from. Also it's interesting to note "why" someone switched, and that goes for all platforms, what they saw as downsides to the platform.
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Sony Ericsson P1i on Symbian UIQ3. A very nice, solid phone and a great OS, but SE killed the OS and I wanted to find a newer and faster phone that was actually being developed. Nothing at all appealed to me, certainly not iPhone or Win mobile, until the N900 came out.

It took some time to get used to Maemo, but I'm very happy with the way things are progressing, the community, the open source concept, and the N900 itself (though, of course, we all hope for improvements over the next few months).
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Symbian s60 3rd i Had a Nokia N96
vartanov's Avatar
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Bought a N97 first to replace my N95 8gb, but found that it was even worse, sold it, waited awfull 2 months for n900 to get released and now happy with a tiny personal computer in my pocket :-)
Posts: 256 | Thanked: 98 times | Joined on Jan 2010
symbian man here :-) about 10 years :-)

the n900 is on a different level though and exactly the type of thing ive been waiting for it defently makes the step into mobile pc material that nokia have been aiming for in recent years

the openess of it all topped with great hardware should provide us all witha great device

its even better then what i though it would be and this commuinty has helped loads

symbian is undergoing some really big changes at the min and i think we will see the next symbian handset announed at the mobile confrence in febuary with symbian foundation 3 running on it

these updates to symbian are much needed as allthough very pratical a feature packed and optimised very well for mobile use nokia have been underpowering it with 434mhz processors and 128mb ram helping to give it a bad name

i hope it works out well for symbian and i love it still but maemo is something else on the n900 and the possibillities seem endless :-)
qwazix's Avatar
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s60 first -> winmo (awful experience) -> s60 3rd -> s60 5th -> maemo

still using n95-2 as a phone though, for me the N900 is still a tablet (data only sim in it)
Paxil lawsuit settlements

Last edited by qwazix; 2011-08-21 at 10:19.
cddiede's Avatar
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S60 3rd Edition FP1. Nokia E90 specificaly. The N900 is my first phone in 7 years that isn't a Nokia Communicator.
internetpilot's Avatar
Posts: 63 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ Ponte Vedra, FL, USA
I'm guessing this is more of a N900 poll than other Maemo devices, since the only option in the polls are phone devices rather than just mobile devices.

I voted "Other" because I came directly from Palm OS (via a phone, a Treo 755p) by way of Palm OS on a PDA by way of early versions of WindowsCE (v1.0, v2.0, and v2.11) with multiple devices in each operating system.

Regardless of the rather recently released N900, I primarily view Maemo as a mobile device operating system and not a phone. I would think that more people would have been attracted to Maemo through PDA's or mini computers than phones, but I could be wrong.

-- Chris
Posts: 473 | Thanked: 141 times | Joined on Jan 2009 @ Virginia, USA
I actually came from a Sharp Zaurus.
Posts: 71 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Dec 2009
coming from the n95

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