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I got the N900 because I have been working with *nix for 12 years and I was getting a bit tired using my old 9300i (because there just wasn't any worth it alternatives with "full" keyboard for ssh).. Also I like the fact that it's almost fully hackable.

Also, I'm very satisfied with the device.. I think I'm even going to build a few packages for Maemo, starting with lftp that really should be included in any Linux-distribution..
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I got it because it is made of WIN!

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/Emmanuel "MASTER" Rodriguez
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I wanted to try out this furious nerd life.

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Posts: 294 | Thanked: 240 times | Joined on May 2010
Great hardware and design backed by false hopes & promises
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I am into free (as in freedom) software and the N900 seems to be the closest I can get to a free as in freedom phone I will problably also buy an OpenMoko FreeRunner soon as a secondary device, but that is way to unstable at the moment to be used as a everyday device. I am a Apple convert and have sold every single Apple device I own and are currently running no x86 systems (CISC), only MIPS and ARM (RISC).

I love to modify stuff and free software (and hardware) gives me the freedom to do so. I am in the process of stripping Maemo 5 for every proprietary component I can purge without loosing the "essence" of the phone. If anyone know any good resources about this, give me a PM. I have gone through the wiki and found a really nice page where there is listed several closed components (tablet-browser-ui, for example).
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Originally Posted by woof404 View Post
I will problably also buy an OpenMoko FreeRunner soon as a secondary device, but that is way to unstable at the moment to be used as a everyday device.
Wish you were in the US. I have one I'd love to get rid of. Can't seem to find anyone that wants it.

I got the N900 because I wanted a hackable device that could also do basic phone things, for the same reasons I got the FreeRunner... The N900 works out of box as a basic phone, which is all I need. (I don't use USSD or other odd codes, etc.) The fact that I can get root on it, have total control, with a well documented API and framework that just works was key. Also important was that I could save/restore/reflash the entire device off-line with a saved copy of the image(s), so I can freeze it in time when I'm totally happy with it (which is almost here).

The last bit I'm waiting on is voiced turn-by-turn. Once that's done (which Mappero looks to have done soon) the rest if icing on the cake.

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I wanted an internet tablet that could make phone calls. Linux was a plus!
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....because the HD2's OS is a piece of **** and freezes on you every 10 seconds.
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Because I am a sys admin that needs the ability to connect to my servers and network gear via ssh, connect to a help desk via the web, connect to my network management software from the web and monitor my Nagios set up to see server status on a few hundred servers in near real time.

The N900 is the only piece of hardware that lets me do all that with something I can carry in my pocket.

Just wish the email had a few more bells and whistles like different alert tones for different accounts and more than one exchange account support. Then I could dump my blackberry and be happy

none of, your business

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