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Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
Unfortunately few if any of the bugs in Bugzilla have been marked as fixed to my knowledge - the bug statuses are usually updated several months after the release of the firmware which fixes them. The process is shambolic but will hopefully improve as Nokia tend to be using the public Bugzilla a little more these days. After the last release with minimal change log Nokia promised an improved change log cross referenced against the public bugzilla, but so far nothing has been updated recently with the magic words "fixed in the upcoming release".

Following the next release I will go through my bugs and hopefully I won't have to update them all with the comment "still not working in release 4.2007.xx-y" as I did with release 3.2007.10-1.
I can't even get to site to check...

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The last time I check my Bug #1095 I saw a response indicating that this will be corrected in the next upgrade.
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Euchreprof, apart from Skype, do you have any info on what else will be included? Texrat has already alluded that enhancements from a reconstructed ‘listening and responding’ Nokia are in the offing. Are you in a position to elaborate further as to what we can expect?

A couple of weeks ago in a fit of wishful optimism I persuaded my brother that we buy an N800 + Navicore each. The trouble is, the more I look at it now, the more I feel that we have bought into a dead end project. Mark S has referred to his N800 as a paperweight on account of the lack of applications to run and at the moment he is right.

Nokia seem to have a restrictive vision for what could be a very versatile device, I think they are misguided and I suspect the sales figures reflect my view. So if Nokia feel the need to make up for what has been hitherto lacking then the next big release will provide that opportunity.

Thank you for sharing your information.
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Anderbr, are you a stand-up comic by any chance? Funny stuff, man.

And to Rebski: I *could* technically answer your questions specifically, but I can't from a policy perspective. I don't intend to jeapordize my career by running afoul of the powers that be. I like my job (and recent promotion especially)

Suffice to say your voices HAVE been heard, and work is underway to implement improvements. The Tableteer survey is a start.

Last edited by Texrat; 2007-06-02 at 19:09.
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Texrat, I fully understand your position which is why I said 'alluded' because I know that you are not permitted to be specific. This was not intended in any derogatory sense. I certainly don't want you to lose your job. For many reasons not least because, from what I can see, you represent the best link we have with Nokia direct.

Normally I don't bother with surveys because I am never confident that they are given any meaningful attention but if you feel it important to complete the Tableteer survey then I shall do so.

It is referred to here but I am still confused as to how to find it. Does it only show up on the N800? If so then I need to wait until next week when I get mine from Amazon, I have fallen foul of Nokia UK's unbelievable incompetence.

Nokia UK have to be the worst company I have ever dealt with. If you get the chance to say that very loudly during a conversational lull in the Finnish canteen you would have my gratitude.
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Rebski, I didn't have any problem with your post... just makign sure my positionw as clear (and I'm glad to see it is with some at least).

AFAIK the tableteer survey is only available via the N800. There are checks on the site for the Opera browser the N800 uses.

I'm very sorry about your experience with Nokia UK. I've seen similar reports from others. I can't do anything specifically about that but I know this forum is read by some who may be able to.

And something to understand about the Finns: they are very serious about what they do. Nokia would not post a public survey without every intention of following up on it. Please take the time to complete it. I am.
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Have gone through this whole thread, and all I can say is: blablablablablablabla....
It would be great if there's new software released the 11 of june, and if not......well to bad, and let's all just leave it there, I can't understand what all the childish bickering is about.
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Originally Posted by Rebski View Post
Texrat, I fully understand your position which is why I said 'alluded' because I know that you are not permitted to be specific. This was not intended in any derogatory sense. I certainly don't want you to lose your job. For many reasons not least because, from what I can see, you represent the best link we have with Nokia direct.

Everything Texrat posts about upcoming news is vague and scoops from other websites. He even admits earlier in this thread that his contacts are gone now, but he still can't let go of the weak type of power he gets off of newbies like you so he continues this nonesense. BOTTM LINE IS AFTER JUNE 11, 2007 AS YODUDE PUTS IT... I am your new Nokia N800 geek god. Texrat = Nokia 700 geek good, euchreprof = Nokia N800 geek god.
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Originally Posted by Frankowitz View Post
Hell, I hope it does come out June 11th.
Just to see you stuff it up Texrat's arrogant behind.

You noticed that too?
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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
Nah dude... Just wait. I fully intend to post that you are my new god to all things geek if this is in fact released on 6-11.

These negative remarks come from the bandwagon jumpers whenever something like this is posted without independent, third party verification. Two weeks is a long time and anything can happen...

However, remarks about your wife, life, or even your haircut have nothing to do with the topic at hand and IMHO have no place in a publicly viewed forum like this. Some of your remarks may have opened that door but, two wrongs do not make a right.


I just typed that for "effect". Sure i will tell you all the scoops I get in the future. I won't let a few bad apples on here ruin it for the rest of us. I understand my role though... without June 11, 2007 i better shutup for life on here... with June 11, 2007 I shutup some people on here for life.
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Euchreprof, just so we can be clear, regarding this forthcoming software release. Is it just the date that you know or do you also have knowledge of the specific contents and features of the release?

If it is the latter then would you have an objection to sharing it with us?
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