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Texrat's Avatar
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Originally Posted by luketoh View Post
Perhaps we should look at it from the point of NEEDS of the user.

It would seem that depending on one's needs, then one makes a purchase of a device hoping to fill that need. Is the marketing of the ITT done correctly/honestly? Is the impression given to the user who buys it correctly/honestly fulfilling its purpose described? Did the person buying have too much expectations of it or was that person fooled? Many questions...only the person buying it would know the REAL truth (pertaining to his/her own situation).
Another winning point, and something the OP continues to gloss over. A handheld computing device doesn't HAVE to be as fast as a laptop or desktop to many users (self included). It just has to be sufficient. The meaning of that word is highly subjective and thus the foolishness of anyone to speak in broad absolutes (a dichotomy if there ever was one) about the N800 being underpowered.

Power is relative. Would I like my little tablet to outrun my dual-cpu 4 gig ram workstation? O you betcha! Do I expect it to? O hell no. I'm a realist. And for the most part, it does the job I expect of it.
Greyghost's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Karel Jansens View Post
Ibooks? VIC-20s? Punch cards?

You dagganit youngsters, what's wrong with good ole' slate, a chisel and a mallet? Heck, if 'twere good enough for granpah Erectus, it be good enough for you lahdidad sapiens, daggit!

Now where did I park that apatosaur again...
You had a chisel and a mallet? Wow! You were lucky! When I was a kid, all we could afford was a stick and a clay tablet...
promethh's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Greyghost View Post
You had a chisel and a mallet? Wow! You were lucky! When I was a kid, all we could afford was a stick and a clay tablet...
You too? I was sold my stick-and-clay-tablet under false pretenses, and I had to return it. Sure it was portable, but it wasn't as fast as those guys using papyrus.
Texrat's Avatar
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Crap, all we had was burnt embers and dried leaves, and lemme tell ya, 1) it's hard to write on the leaves with burnt embers (especially before they've cooled) and 2) weather is no friend to archival.
iball's Avatar
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You kids today are lucky. I only had some dirt and my finger.
Texrat's Avatar
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I don't think that was dirt.
sondjata's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I don't think that was dirt.


Texrat's Avatar
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As long as you have food, you have a grease pencil.

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