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I would be a bit reserved about reviews... Most people (and unfortunately a good deal of reviewers) know little about what this device actually is, or at least should be. I suspect many will think this is a netbook that is so crappy it can't even run Windows 7 (and whine for Atoms, hard drives, no iTunes and whatnot), while in fact it has little in common with that lot, but is rather a representative of new-old MID-like category which I like to call the sofabook

Also, since this is supposed to be really open stuff (even a bit more open than our beloved NITs ), a snapshop state of software a reviewer might see might be completely outdated in a month or two (and AlwaysInnovating already declared they will be shipping with beta software - which is OK *if* the hardware is ready). So, be careful of whom you trust when making your choice.

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looks like a sweet unit
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
Also, since this is supposed to be really open stuff (even a bit more open than our beloved NITs ), a snapshop state of software a reviewer might see might be completely outdated in a month or two (and AlwaysInnovating already declared they will be shipping with beta software - which is OK *if* the hardware is ready). So, be careful of whom you trust when making your choice.
Well, I don't let reviews sway my decision, but I just like to see what they test and what not. I hope a reviewer (that knows more about what the device is made for) will do their own review on it and that's something I can work off of. *chugs more orange juice*

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A little too big for pocket but I especially love the very pro-Linux and pro-consumer attitude. I might just get one for that alone and see what else they'll do to evolve new products. I can ABSOLUTELY see this as an utterly perfect solution for a lot of the clients and people I talk to. FINALLY something I can switch them out of their N800's for that satisfies most of our needs. They even picked up on the preference for SD card. God bless 'em
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Actually--it just struck me that this could actually be a very, very perfect size for some of the artists that I work with as a very portable way to do their commissions with a pressure-sensitive touchscreen and a stylus, if it's that sensitive. I'd wonder if the memory would be enough handle a decent resolution (most of the time, on-the-go cheapy commissions don't need to be particularly high-resolution...and with bluetooth.. you could draw, obex transfer it to the client's laptop, tablet or even cell phone and BAM.. payment on the spot, the whole thing's done).

God, the opportunities this could open up!
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from the looks of it - could be a good ebook reader.
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Full size SD was a great move. I think it is about the size of 1/2 sheet of paper. Great size for reading ebooks. Magnets on the back, stick it to the fridge for family notes, etc. Full size usb makes for tons of accessories.

I'm thinking navigation in the car, plug in a usb hard drive (plugged into a 12v usb power adapter) - great for music / movies in the car.

Use as a tablet most of the time, use the keyboard for more/longer power. I wonder if you can reverse the screen and fold it over screen up for extended tablet use. Priced in the right area, makes it very tempting.

Different use case than a tablet, but kinda similar as well. Just slightly less portable. But, if I have to make a choice between a Touchbook @ $400 (+ keep n800) or a $700+ phonelet........well with potential new video drivers and mer, $300 will buy a lot of accessories.
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the back cover is metal correct? is there anything that would stop me from just powdercoating it to black?
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Originally Posted by lemmyslender View Post
Use as a tablet most of the time, use the keyboard for more/longer power. I wonder if you can reverse the screen and fold it over screen up for extended tablet use. Priced in the right area, makes it very tempting.
As I understand it - you can attach the display both ways - so default config it will look like a standard notebook - flip the screen and it will look like a tablet with a folded keyboard (but to use it in normal mode you would have to detach the screen and flip it - so no swivel).
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I cant wait to see a video of the finished product in action! Will there be any support for viewing pdf's? Would love to see evince on this.
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