Poll: Would you buy an N10 with the above spec?
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Would you buy an N10 with the above spec?

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Posts: 188 | Thanked: 74 times | Joined on May 2010
id buy anything meego xD especially if it comes from nokia

nokia needs to know that they need to support this awesome os!!!!!

but! id rather have a hkb... and im pretty sure they could implement the 41mpx camera tooo
i dont care about bulkiness
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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
LOL you can calm down now...

And you're kinda mis-characterizing what I said, putting words in my mouth & all that.
Naw... just used pseudo-curse words to keep things entertaining... not mad at all.

I never said anything of the sort, & if it came across that way it certainly wasn't intentional.
Never came across like that. I did point fingers at the other N900 microUSB folks.

Regardless... you leave, this site loses a resource. I can admit that.

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Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic View Post
As long as Tizen promotes "HTML5" and WebAPI as the way to create apps I think the world is better off without it. Having html5/webtech as a (low end) alternative is fine, but QML/Qt should be the primary development platform.
And hence Meltemi In the end, I end up purchasing whatever I find cool regardless of manufacturer or OS. The coolest right now is the 808, and if Asus/Google can cook together a nice cheap 7" tablet running "native" Android, I will be very happy. I do however see rumors of a Nokia 10" WP8 tablet, but 10" is too large anyway and I am not too sure about WP8 (it seems better suited for grandmas than a slightly geeky person like myself).

A cheap Meltemi phone is a must anyway. Tizen? So far I have not seen any single thing of interest, but that may of course change.

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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
Because nothing of interest has been shown thus far, and the chances are that it will be underwhelming.
I think you will love it. But you are right. It's too early to tell. I find everything that is not android, IOS or windows interesting but it seems that we differ on that point.
Posts: 1,341 | Thanked: 708 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Originally Posted by Fuzzillogic View Post
As long as Tizen promotes "HTML5" and WebAPI as the way to create apps I think the world is better off without it. Having html5/webtech as a (low end) alternative is fine, but QML/Qt should be the primary development platform.
Don't hang on the past too much.

view-source:http://madebyevan.com/webgl-path-tracing/ (paint+copy+paste)

And being a "real" Linux OS, noone forbids user community to bring QtQuick to Tizen system and extra rpm-repositories which support Qt-applications if for example Samsung+Huawei's official repositories only support HTML5-applications.

Last edited by zimon; 2012-03-17 at 16:17. Reason: view-source:-links added
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Originally Posted by specc View Post
A cheap Meltemi phone is a must anyway. Tizen? So far I have not seen any single thing of interest, but that may of course change.
Meltemi may be just a Microsoft's (remember Elop) plan to fragmentate Linux ecosystem even more than it already is.
...no wonder, killing Meego by affecting Nokia was an ingenious move for MS.
Posts: 470 | Thanked: 399 times | Joined on Jul 2011 @ Croatia
Originally Posted by zimon View Post
Don't hang on the past too much.

And being a "real" Linux OS, noone forbids user community to bring QtQuick to Tizen system and extra rpm-repositories which support Qt-applications if for example Samsung+Huawei's official repositories only support HTML5-applications.
webgl? really? you want performance of a pentium 3 computer on yout i7/bulldozer/whatever and hd7970/580?

all those that support web apps are the ones that are trying to push us into past, not us normal people who want native apps
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Think this is a fantasy..as long as Elop is at the top.
But still going along with the fantasy, what make Nokia phones so popular is their longevity and removable battery. I still have an N95 and an old 6610. I love my N900 too. With N9 this feature is broken. Battery dies and phone is dead too.

So, put in removable battery and N8's camera..and guarantee not to ditch the platform and i am game for more Meego-ness. Actually would prefer a Maemo-like OS.
Posts: 479 | Thanked: 1,284 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Enschede, The Netherlands
Originally Posted by zimon View Post
Don't hang on the past too much.

And being a "real" Linux OS, noone forbids user community to bring QtQuick to Tizen system and extra rpm-repositories which support Qt-applications if for example Samsung+Huawei's official repositories only support HTML5-applications.
I'm not talking about performance. I'm talking about the html5, and how very ill-adapted it is for making GUI's.

A Tizen example:

HTML Code:
<ul data-role="swipelist">
    <li class="ui-li-1line-leftsub1 ui-li-dialogue">
        <div data-role="button" data-inline="true">Twitter</div>
        <div data-role="button" data-inline="true">Twitter</div>
        <div data-role="button" data-inline="true">Facebook</div>
        <div data-role="button" data-inline="true">Facebook</div>
        <div data-role="swipelist-item-cover">
            <div style="display: inline-block;" class="ui-li-text-sub-left">subtext</div>
            <div style="display: inline-block;" class="ui-li-text-main-right">1line-leftsub1</div>
Srsly?.. This is UGLY. HTML is for text, not for GUI's. And the WHATWG/W3C decided in all their wisdom that XML with namespaces was... too appropriate for this? As a webdeveloper I honestly cannot begin to comprehend what in NULL's name they were thinking.

To put some extra salt on the wounds, javascript is a horrible, horrible language. OK for some basic UI stuff, but for bigger projects it really is a developer's nightmare compared to Java/C++/Qt/C#.

In fact, this utter "html5" and other webtech craziness is part of why I changed jobs very recently. The ecosystem and development tools are abysmal in quality. I just couldn't stand it anymore, and it only gets worse.

Even if it runs on a normal Linux kernel and you can add Qt yourself, if it is not a first class citizen the support will be lacking, leading to compatibility issues and worse.

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buysomethinelse, free oss, goodbyenokia, idiot thread, idiotibrakalifa, schizophrenia, tizen doa, tizen lives, tizen schmizen, troll fest!

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