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Originally Posted by Halftux View Post
You need probably the libqt4-dev package.
I installed all build-deps including libqt4-dev. Only thing is that this is cssu version and earlier we spoke about installing cssu would be best to compile fcamera with that.

Originally Posted by Halftux View Post
Hmm I don't know about chroot environment But in scratchbox a "fakeroot apt-get upgrade" would be the step. Otherwise try without cssu first.
Apt-get upgrade do upgrade some packages but does not install cssu...

Originally Posted by Halftux View Post
I see that makes it not so easy I guess it needs the configure command before running make?
Try without glib first.
Configure and make commands completed fine but still no debian folder...

So all in all now neither fcamera nor glib can be compiled... (at least for me and does not have a clue)
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Originally Posted by justmemory View Post
I installed all build-deps including libqt4-dev. Only thing is that this is cssu version and earlier we spoke about installing cssu would be best to compile fcamera with that.
When you installed libqt4-dev then you should have in /usr/bin the qmake binary

Originally Posted by justmemory View Post
Apt-get upgrade do upgrade some packages but does not install cssu...
Ok but could be enough.

Originally Posted by justmemory View Post
Configure and make commands completed fine but still no debian folder...
That is normal debian folder get not created from configure you need to have the folder before.
So you will find debian folder in the source packages from cssu.
So then compile the sources from cssu.

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Ohh... thanks (again... ); that libqt4-dev-arm solved tha qmake issue but now it throws another error (what a surprise): it does not find arm_neon.h though I do have it in /usr/ilb/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabi/4.6/include/. I hade to symlink gcc to gcc-4.6 to get compilation work; I do not whether it counts or not...

Btw. I copied the debian folder from glibc source you linket but it does not work either - it has error with the patches...
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When a symlink, flag or environment variable fix this header include problem then it is fine.

Originally Posted by justmemory View Post
Btw. I copied the debian folder from glibc source you linket but it does not work either - it has error with the patches...
No take the full source, anyway same version you have on the device because you installed cssu.

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Originally Posted by Halftux View Post
When a symlink, flag or environment variable fix this header include problem then it is fine.
I symlinked that arm_neon.h to /usr/include/arm_neon.h and now it finds it but says: "bad type in Neon instruction -- `vhadd.p8 q3,q3q2'

so it seems like I do not have the correct arm_neon.h version - it is gcc-4.6 that I try but gcc-4.2 simply does not have arm_neon.h at all... So now what...? (I'm still trying to compile fcamera 0.1.7)

Originally Posted by Halftux View Post
No take the full source, anyway same version you have on the device because you installed cssu.
OK, that makes sense...
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Originally Posted by justmemory View Post
I symlinked that arm_neon.h to /usr/include/arm_neon.h and now it finds it but says: "bad type in Neon instruction -- `vhadd.p8 q3,q3q2'

so it seems like I do not have the correct arm_neon.h version - it is gcc-4.6 that I try but gcc-4.2 simply does not have arm_neon.h at all... So now what...? (I'm still trying to compile fcamera 0.1.7)
Do you have more than one gcc installed? Maybe now the header get used with a wrong gcc. And check that during the build process you see these gcc compiler flags: -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=neon
When you don't find them you need to add them. You will find these flags in the project file and normally qmake generates a Makefile or Makefile.release which will use these flags.

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Yes, I have multiple gcc version installed but during compilation only gcc command is used and I symlinked it to gcc-4.6.
I do have these flags so I don't know... I have Makefile and Makefile.Release; the latter seems to be some Windows specific stuff but Makefile should be fine from n900 perspective.

Update - 20181127://I only managed to step through the arm_neon problem when I disabled that part of the code in CameraThread.cpp that was using arm_neon.h. In this way fcamera was built successfully but does not work either - starting from command line it says that it cannot initiate the thread that is responsible for the "live image" through the camera... And also has some glib warnings.
My knowledge is way far from the point where I could tell that "I can investigate it" so I leave it as is.

Last edited by justmemory; 2018-11-27 at 12:40. Reason: Added some updated infos

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hmm... I'm not a person who easily says "OK, I'm giving this sh*t up", so I returned to this problem.

I realised that all the time I was mistaken: I did not read Halftux's advice properly and did not try to recompile libglib. Now, after a whole day of... khm... trying I recompiled it succesfully and so was my success at compiling fcam-drivers and fcamera. I installed the recompiled libglib package on my main system then installed the recompiled fcam-drivers and fcamera but still says that it has critical glib warnings (1. "
fcamera[4654]: GLIB CRITICAL ** GLib-GObject - g_object_get: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
"; 2."
fcamera[4654]: GLIB CRITICAL ** Gtk - gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed
") so now i do not know what to do...

There are packages which are depending on libc6 and/or libglib2.0 and fcamera depends on these packages (which are depending on libc6 and/or libglib2.0) - should I recompile those too...?



Update - 20190119:// Small step forward: I took the arm_neon.h file from gcc-4.2-4.2.1 source and it worked, the arm_neon issue gone so original fcamera compiled without any issue. But the glib warnings and blank grey screen are still coming...

Last edited by justmemory; 2019-01-21 at 09:31. Reason: Updated with progress info

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Originally Posted by justmemory View Post
There are packages which are depending on libc6 and/or libglib2.0 and fcamera depends on these packages (which are depending on libc6 and/or libglib2.0) - should I recompile those too...?
These glib errors are not really helpful, but I would guess it is some plugin or other library which are used by fcamera, which produces this error. I would say it is not fcamera or the driver itself. So recompiling these packages could help and would be the next step. Could you list the packages which you have in mind?

To get a clue and track down what cause this error you need to debug the application with gdb.

To get a break at the glib critical error use gdb like described here.

You need to install gdb on the device and propably the related debug packages of the packages which are used/linked by fcamera.

The journey continues, don't give up.

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