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Dave999's Avatar
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Dude, jolla is not google or Microsoft...

But hey if jolla want to sell sailfish for 200 euro...

I think they need to go with hw/sw model and try to get operators on board or bought by a bigger fish.
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I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2013-10-12 at 20:31.
tissot's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I think they need to go with hw/sw model and try to get operators on board or bought by a bigger fish.
That's what they are doing. What do you think is the benefit of of keeping the OS to them only? It benefits Jolla in so many levels to have the OS as widely out there as possible.

Out of interest. Do you believe smartphone market will look the same in 6 years? Do you believe there will be high end phones or will it all be big grey sea of phones?

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We must for sure focus on jolla and what they are and the options they have. Google and Microsoft comes from another time and other areas.

Jolla can't afford to step 6 years into the future,they need to find a model that flies next year.

My guess is that there will be great value in hw in 6 years but more custom able for the user and same with the price point. Oses will be almost free. What you have to pay for as end user is other packages, services and extensions.

Nano will break "very" soon...

Edit: Not really sure what we are discussing. My point was, don't drop the hw.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2013-10-12 at 21:13.
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Edit: Not really sure what we are discussing. My point was, don't drop the hw.
From what I understand, they aren't dropping the hardware. Instead they are using the hardware in order to sell the OS to hardware manufacturers. Also, as usual with startups, that's just the current plan used to milk capital from venture capitalists. I'm sure they'll go with whatever business model that allows them to pay for salaries and investors.

Originally Posted by tissot View Post

Out of interest. Do you believe smartphone market will look the same in 6 years? Do you believe there will be high end phones or will it all be big grey sea of phones?
Not asked from me, but I would like to answer anyway.

Yeah, there will be high end phones 6 years from now on, with the same ridicilous profit margins as today. But it will just Apple and maybe Samsung (or whoever might take Samsung's spot) selling those. Apple because of what they do and because they have literally several decades of experience in selling with high-end pricing in mature markets (Macintosh). Samsung / someone else besides Apple because there will be enough people with too much money to spend on phones six years from now.

But the smartdevice market will have matured by then and both by far and overwhelmingly most of money will be on the gray devices, as you put it. Maybe -and hopefully- Jolla will have big enough share of that enormous piece of pie.

Last edited by Rauha; 2013-10-12 at 22:03.

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Originally Posted by Thoke View Post
Well they have clearly decided not to share that info, so I don't think it as being as "ridiculously" vague. Completely understandable.
IMO he probably resigned due to messing something up badly, bad press communication, or was forced due disagreements between him and other stockholders (maybe the other stockholders didn't like the way he led the company?) Dunno.
There was an okay official & non-vague explanation given to me/us once (after lots of time wasting), so my earlier assertion was wrong.
I just can't recall all the detail any more, & so I was hoping someone else could, but apparently not...

Originally Posted by tissot View Post
Thinking of the future, the mention of Sailfish coming available for download to "somewhere". It would be amazing if Jolla would be available for download by HTC or Jolla for that specific hardware. HTC one for example. Would love that and happily pay for that software and support.
Jolla aligns their strategy not to be about selling hardware, but getting Sailfish to other manufacturers. Part of the reason for going that strategy is the unification of phone hardware.
Totally agree with that. Imo pure mobile phone manufacturers will see expensive smartphones turning into a general goods (like basic phones) sooner than you might think. It's a another thing does Jolla have anything really special to offer against others. Android will keep ruling, maybe even more dominant than it is now.
Many of the points you've made here aren't very clear, I don't suppose you could paraphrase all the points you're trying to make.

Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
Yup theres a bit in there where the current CEO says that their plan is to get 80% of their income come from the Sailfish OS (Note not from the hardware). Whetever they succeed is another matter, but both you and Jolla CEO are dead right IMHO. Smartphone hardware is becoming a penny business like PC hardware, and the money will be on the OS. That is propably the reason why the finnish title of that article translates as "Jolla wants to be the Google of mobile, not the Nokia".
Okay that's clearer (for at least one of the points being made), & I 100% concur....

Okay, now he's just trolling.... ;-P

Last edited by jalyst; 2013-10-13 at 05:09.
Dave999's Avatar
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We still don't know if he has the phone or not. It can still be a scam.

Hope we'll see something soon... Or its fake.

Can someone please ask him about browser?
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2013-10-13 at 08:02.
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
if this is a leak/stolen he/she deserves to be banned from the community and ignored from now on !!!
This is the most bs sentiment I have seen... When there were people posting about Nokia's phones did you express such a sentiment?

I do admit I haven't read that guys time line to know the full picture but even if he stole it, only the law can take any action against him. There is no such thing as banning and ignoring... If you want to ignore on a personal level do it but don't express hate that borders on fanaticism!

Jolla is for-profit organisation so please people stop behaving as if it's a religion and any slight on them is perceived as a personal slight.

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Well, Jolla's chairman def. knows about the guy now
Ofc, it could all be a hoax, but it's not looking that way so far.

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James twang...cheater

Hope we will see some NSA-style leak soon

Leaks are not all that bad(as long as it won't leak personal stuff). It gives jolla some great publicity they couldn't create on their own. AT the same time its bad because its not on jollas terms. But we can't blame this guy for that. Jolla messed up and this guy bought the phone. I would also buy a jolla phone now if I could.

If this is a trollhoax it's even more fun if jolla chairmen invest time in this LOL. It would be the Hoax of the year...EPIC!

if its true jolla should pay this guy $10 000 to get this phone back. if they want it back that is

Very interesting to follow this...
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2013-10-13 at 09:28.
Posts: 3,464 | Thanked: 5,107 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gothenburg in Sweden
Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
This is the most bs sentiment I have seen... When there were people posting about Nokia's phones did you express such a sentiment?

I do admit I haven't read that guys time line to know the full picture but even if he stole it, only the law can take any action against him. There is no such thing as banning and ignoring... If you want to ignore on a personal level do it but don't express hate that borders on fanaticism!

Jolla is for-profit organisation so please people stop behaving as if it's a religion and any slight on them is perceived as a personal slight.
fanaticism LOL. I guess you are to young to understand that it may hurt bussines for new company if anything get leaked or stolen!? I can tell you that it has nothing to do with fanaticism. I am also working for a small company as sw consult so I know what would happen to us if or client HW get copied or stolen.

I don't say below is the case but:

he said in the tweet that "he bought it from a guy in xxx" it sound like its stolen (not buy him but the guy who sold it). lets say that this phone has been stolen from factory or when transported and now there is a bash out with stolen devices sold in EU. If thats the case its very bad.

Only idiots does think that is good for an upstart. Now if this happened to Nokia they would have big resources to start investigation on it and make sure they stoped sell them. Small companys has not those resources.

So lets hope its only some Jolla employer sold it when he was "out on a pub, drinking to mush" or something because if so worst case would be he/she gets fired...
Keep safe and healthy

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2013-10-13 at 13:50.

"pretty soon", funniest line, jolla, pipo party, sailfish, tmo red

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