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Originally Posted by billranton View Post
Hadn't tested the aol one. Change the protocol in the service file to aim instead of aol and it works.
Will do that tomorrow. I Still have to check if a new deb file upgrades the current installation automatically, instead of installing in parallel.

But going to sleep for today :-)
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Originally Posted by Niwakame View Post
Ok, installation should be now as easy as installing these three .deb files in a row (simply download by click on them, and then start the installation by clicking in your Transfers window on the appropriate download).

I've mirrored all of the necessary files for convenience:




If you wish to deinstall these later, simply go to
Programs -> Manage Programs -> im-providers-additional and select Deinstall.

Note: This will not remove your accounts, they will simply not show up anymore, if you install the package later again, they will appear.

Note2: If you experience any icon corruption in Accounts view, please restart
the only deb that i could install with application manager was im-providers-additional-0.2.deb, the other 2 debs i had to use terminal and in a right order first libpurple and then the telepathy-haze.deb ,after a reboot it works , i only try msn and it works nice many thanks, a question there is no problem if i leave the packages and stuff that i used to install Msn-pecan (billranton method)?

Last edited by johnsnipe; 2011-12-11 at 02:45.
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Originally Posted by johnsnipe View Post
the only deb that i could install with application manager was im-providers-additional-0.2.deb, the other 2 debs i had to use terminal and in a right order first libpurple and then the telepathy-haze.deb ,after a reboot it works , i only try msn and it works nice many thanks, a question there is no problem if i leave the packages and stuff that i used to install Msn-pecan (billranton method)?
It shouldn't conflict, but if you feel you need to remove them, do apt-get remove python-papyon telepathy-butterfly python-telepathy

You can also do the remove with the other packages listen in the msn thread. This will tell you to use apt-get autoremove afterwards, which will take care of the other dependencies.

This stuff is msn-butterfly though, not pecan. Pecan hasn't been ported to the n9 yet.

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Posts: 49 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Originally Posted by billranton View Post
It shouldn't conflict, but if you feel you need to remove them, do apt-get remove python-papyon telepathy-butterfly python-telepathy

You can also do the remove with the other packages listen in the msn thread. This will tell you to use apt-get autoremove afterwards, which will take care of the other dependencies.

This stuff is msn-butterfly though, not pecan. Pecan hasn't been ported to the n9 yet.
my mistake xD well i think i will keep all stuff for any emergency thanks
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More digging tonight. The generic account plugin can store the password in a secure form if:

<setting name="remember" type="boolean" value="true"/>
<setting name="store_password_in_accounts" type="boolean" default_value="false"/>
is in the provider file. A 'CredentialsID' row appears in the accountsDB and there's no password one. However, it doesn't get through to mc. I tried setting it manually for ICQ and got:

mc-tool update: Protocol 'icq' does not have parameter 'CredentialsId'
This makes me think that support for secure credentials storage has to be added to the telepathy-haze itself.

After looking over the rest of the code on gitorious, it seems to me that Niwakame has already got the most possible out of the generic plugin. I thought there might be some form generation for extra parameters like nickname, but it seems to be only username/password. Doesn't look like it can support account editing either. So we're back to requiring a new plugin to support accounts properly.

If any dev on this would like to step in with correct info at any point, you'd save us a whole bunch of guessing

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I Also checked out accountsui from git and found the parsing :-P we could inherit from genericplugin and override some things we need. But anything that's not supported by haze is hard to get in.

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Anyone knows who is in charge of maintaining the official repositories? This would be hellofalot easier if the dependencies would be uploaded there.
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Afaik there isn't one - Nokia aren't doing an 'extras' for Harmattan. The dev repository isn't for this sort of thing, just developer tools.

Here's where people are uploading this sort of thing.
Niwakame's Avatar
Posts: 120 | Thanked: 126 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Germany
You sure anyone uses this?...I was thinking about using Apps for MeeGo, but they say you can't use dependency libs...

PS: Oh yeah great, the programs manager has a bug that displays the package two times....repackaging AGAIN -_-

Last edited by Niwakame; 2011-12-12 at 11:40.
coderus's Avatar
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Niwakame, can you add these extra jabber providers to your pack? please?


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