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megabyte405's Avatar
Posts: 197 | Thanked: 87 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ USA
A reminder because I've gotten two requests recently about this - if you want to test out this stuff as a user, private message me on this forum. I'll get back to you when I can with the information.

(Do not email me personally asking to test- it will probably be spammed without opening if I can't figure it out from the subject, and I'll just reply saying that I'm keeping track of all beta testers here on ITT. Joining the Maemo project is for those who are looking to help develop - that means coding or packaging - I'd love to have help, but that's not the place to get the binaries yet. You can certainly email the AbiWord developer mailing list if you are interested in development, but neither that list nor the user support list has the beta test information.)

Thanks for your understanding! By keeping all that managed through ITT then I only need to handle one location for updating folks on the status of the project.

AbiWord Dev, N800 user
Nokia internet tablet docs:
AbiWord on Maemo beta now available - contact me to help fix bugs!

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Posts: 91 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Hi Ryan!

Waiting here eagerly for Abiword. Do you have any idea when it will be available?

Thank you very much!
megabyte405's Avatar
Posts: 197 | Thanked: 87 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ USA
Please take a peek at my earlier post - at this point the AbiWord 2.6 release for Maemo is blocked on some showstopper bugs rather than any other reason. (AbiWord 2.6.0 for desktop platforms was released yesterday.) The bugs have been documented and so now we are waiting for a fix - at this point I can't dedicate much time to working on them, so I'm hoping someone can step up and take a look. Worst-case scenario the next time I will have time to look is when the semester ends in May. Of course, I'd love to release before then.

Here are those lists:
Dependency tree of bugs for 2007 release
Dependency tree of bugs for 2008 release
When those lists are empty (that is, all the bugs are fixed) for a particular OS release, I will release AbiWord on Maemo publicly.
AbiWord Dev, N800 user
Nokia internet tablet docs:
AbiWord on Maemo beta now available - contact me to help fix bugs!
qole's Avatar
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Sigh. Poor Ryan. I wish we had more Maemo Abiword devs.

On the bright side, May, and the end of Ryan's semester, isn't that far away. And that's his worst case scenario.
Posts: 10 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Apr 2008 @ Oxford, UK
Any more news? Very grateful for the work Ryan is putting in... this is something I am eagerly awaiting having had my N810 for all of a fortnight now!

Posts: 833 | Thanked: 124 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Based in the USA
Well imagine my surprise when I looked at available apps to install and lo and behold abiword was there - unfortunately the install says I don't have enough free memory.

Which brings up the questions:
OS - 2008, N810
1. How do I tell how much memory is used by what?
App manager shows 63mb, is this my total space (plus less than 4mb) available to install programs in? Thus about 68mb.

Diskusage shows that
/rootfs has 8mb free 257mb total
mmc2 131mb used, 2gb total
and I've 128mb of virtual on mmc2 (just re-added).

2. Is there anything to run to "clean up" any temp files etc?

3. Is this the version of abiword we've been waiting for?
(I just thought of that, didn't search)
N810, iGo bt kb, Diablo, 10Gb storage onboard instead of a Thinkpad
OTG w/ unlimited storage!!
Put a penguin in your pocket!!
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Posts: 161 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Feb 2008
Originally Posted by tmmorris View Post
Any more news? Very grateful for the work Ryan is putting in... this is something I am eagerly awaiting having had my N810 for all of a fortnight now!

I built the latest stable for OS2008 a while ago. It was cool, but liked to die when opening large documents.

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What repository is it in, then? It doesn't seem to be in any of the ones I have added.

Posts: 70 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Navi - Does the last build fix the bugs mentioned earlier? Bugzilla still has them as new. How different is this build from the beta megabyte is coordinating?

megabyte405's Avatar
Posts: 197 | Thanked: 87 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ USA
There hasn't been any upstream maemo-related code touching since the last build I put out, so the only bugs that have been fixed haven't been on that list. I will probably have another beta build out within about 2 weeks, but I don't forsee it fixing that list. I'm writing an email right now to the abi dev mailing list asking for folks with Maemo experience to look at that list of bugs - I hadn't posted it there, but maybe there are more people with dev skills there that can help get it out the door.

For what it's worth, 2.6 rocks on the desktop. Blows 2.4.6 out of the water, and yet 2.6.3 already has a ton more fixes over 2.6.2 for bugs that have been there all along - fortunately our "hot stuff" QA guy has had some free time and so we've really been reaping the benefits there. I also recently became the semi-official (official from the AbiWord POV, unofficial from Ubuntu POV) Ubuntu AbiWord maintainer and have a lot more deb knowledge now, which should make the remaining packaging tasks go easily - this means full import/export support (ODT imp/exp, OOXML import) and hopefully AbiCollab, are just around the horizon.

Thanks for your help and patience!
AbiWord Dev, N800 user
Nokia internet tablet docs:
AbiWord on Maemo beta now available - contact me to help fix bugs!

Last edited by megabyte405; 2008-04-27 at 21:46.

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