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Posts: 81 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jul 2011 @ Romania
yeap, u are right.
i take nokia after sony-ericsson did a great job trowing his phones as fast as possible, and now i'm returning to the same story.
ghetting tired of producers not taking care of their expensive product after took the money from u.

so, sometimes i regret the poor proper support, even the community is doing huge efforts to keep it up do date.
Posts: 2,225 | Thanked: 3,822 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Florida
I regretted buying my N900 so much that when it finally broke down to the point where I couldn't reliably use it as a phone I went through the effort of bidding for a second hand one in Europe (I'm in the USA) to get my hands on a replacement + extra batteries.

So, negative regret, I suppose.

That said, I can understand some people wanted more out of the N900 than the N900 was offering, and didn't care for the stuff the N900 did great. And some people had higher hopes for a the line of gadgets of which N900 was a part. The Nokia N900 is awesome, but it's currently a dead end. And the N900 is also unlikely to be followed by an equal phone in a different line for a while - some of us got used to the N900 as is, and switching when these N900s are outdated beyond repair and usability will suck, partly because of the actual supperiority of the N900 and partly because getting used to it will make everything else seem worse.

But at any rate, I for one am happy with the N900 (albeit I got it late enough that a lot of the bugs were known and at least some fixed). No other single piece of technology has ever brought me as much happiness since I first got a computer.
Posts: 559 | Thanked: 166 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Cyprus
r u kiddin....coming from a 5800 this phone rocks for the past 2 years.....phones come and go.....galaxy, galaxy s2, iphones.....'I say,oh that`s a nice option'....'I`ll buy that'.....and all the sudden some developer surprises me.....720p recording....r u kidding me? I`m not changing to any other phone any time soon!

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Posts: 172 | Thanked: 170 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Sweden
I think Nokia marketing actually had it right, what makes the N900 so good is the fact that it isn't a smartphone, it really is a "Mobile Computer"! Why settle for carrying around just a phone with some smarts, when you can have a full blown computer in the same space in your pocket?

I agree with what many others said in this thread. My regret comes from not finding a viable option as my next device, there isn't anything like it!

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