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thanks Nicolai I'll try your solution. Now I changed the default one in usr/share/icons/hicolor/18x18/statusarea_silent.png with another one that I like.

I have a question. is it not possible to choose icons in this folder for your program? now I have them in MyDocs but I see them in gallery.
a solution could be like in advanced clock are able to write the folder to use
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I find it more user friendly, as some users may not know
how to pack their files there, when they are only working
with the MyDocs folder.

New version 1.0 is in extras-devel. Now with an additional
option to disable the proximity check for auto answer.


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Posts: 397 | Thanked: 241 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Melbourne, Australia
Originally Posted by nicolai View Post
I find it more user friendly, as some users may not know
how to pack their files there, when they are only working
with the MyDocs folder.

New version 1.0 is in extras-devel. Now with an additional
option to disable the proximity check for auto answer.

Hello Nicolai,
I have been following this thread on and off for some time, and was wandering with your submission of V1.0 to extras-devel, whether you were any closer to pushing this app in to testing?

Thank you for supporting the N900 community.
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Yes, the plan is to push this to extras testing, soon.

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Originally Posted by nicolai View Post
I find it more user friendly, as some users may not know
how to pack their files there, when they are only working
with the MyDocs folder.

ok I agree with you, your application is more user friendly. You could keep the possibility of today but implement the possibility to manually insert a string for "expert user"...

so, now I have a new problem. I set an icon for my profile and it works very well but after a reboot there is no icon, I have to change the profile e reselect it to see the icon. I upload two image, before and after the reboot
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zlatko's Avatar
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Originally Posted by nicolai View Post
New version 1.0 is in extras-devel. Now with an additional
option to disable the proximity check for auto answer.

Just tested it - autoanswer works perfect! I tested both with BT handsfree and with the wired "out of the box" one. I will be skiing this weekend and will have a chance to test this feature extensively.
Thank you sincerely for implementing this!

PS. Any ideas about configurable autoanswer period?

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Posts: 23 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by nicolai View Post
I find it more user friendly, as some users may not know
how to pack their files there, when they are only working
with the MyDocs folder.

New version 1.0 is in extras-devel. Now with an additional
option to disable the proximity check for auto answer.

Hi, very nice program. Is it possible to add an option to disable phone app auto rotation to portrait mode? It would be useful if phone is in car holder, where it is usually in landscape position.
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Thanks Nicolai!

For my use I think not to need the version with the option of the proximity sensor, but I've created a "car"-profile with autoanswer and this works great.
Posts: 270 | Thanked: 37 times | Joined on Sep 2010
I implement my post number 135 with this one. I found a small bug in settings. when I try to modify I have the possibilty to check autoasnwer, proximity and autoparlante, but if I select and deselect autoanswer, proximity is grey (I think that is the corrected form).
sorry for my bad english
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I am experiencing something odd. As I usually use Alarmd I have been forced to use Tweakr instead of ProfileX. But a new patch in Alarmd was supposedly implemented so that ProfilesX could be used. Installed the latest available ProfilesX only to find that the patch must have not been active. Anyway, I attempted to remove ProfilesX as it seemed to conflict with Tweakr (I wouild get errors creating new profiles in it). Yesterday I decided to try again but then found that after removing ProfilesX the issue wih Tweakr persists. Strangely I have also noticed that when I open the control panel, while it is loading the ProfilesX icon is visible for a few seconds, then just vanishes. I checked in the osso-control-panel (I think) where those icons are stored but no sign of it.

My question is, if I wanted to remove all traces of Profiles X from my N900 manually, what folders/files would I need to alter or delete?

P.s. thank you for all the fabulous little apps, Nicolai. I use all of them I think (except for this one).

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