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barry99705's Avatar
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Originally Posted by euchreprof View Post
I have a special "pwned" pic prepard for June 11, 2007 that will embarrass all my doubters.
I highly doubt anything you do will embarrass anyone here. I'm still amazed you're old enough to be married.
Just because you are online, doesn't mean you don't have to form a full sentence.

SEARCH! It's probably already been answered.
euchreprof's Avatar
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What? When you get married you can't have fun? Ok here is the real deal... I admit... I totally lucked out with this info but... then enter Texrat and his snide remarks... #1 Texrat is emotionally unstable... this is fine but... when you add his arrogance to the mix and with it him attacking all the newbies with his snide remarks... plus add the fact that he thinks he is a "somebody" on here and posts like he is a "god" WHILE all along never giving any real info (he just gives vague info and claims he can't give anymore due to "confidentially").. He is a phoney and he is just too irresistable of a target to exploit cuz he can't be mature and walk away from anything... Karl managed to do it... Texrat is not capable though... so since he wants to mix it up so be it... I call him on his absolutely phoney game he has going on here... I am not saying he didnt used to have contacts and know some info in the past... but now he doesn't have any contacts and he himself admitted to earlier in this thread WHILE HE WAS BACKPEDELLING. SO WHY DID HE SAY MY INFO WAS INNCORRECT??? Cuz it threatened him cuz he is an child... it's all here in this thread to read... I simple point out his glaring weaknesses... THIS is why this thread went the way it did. He needs to mind his own business like Karl learned to do and then I will mind my own businsess.
YoDude's Avatar
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Chill dude it's just a forum. You're gonna stroke out...

And if you do; what are you going to tell your maker?

Someone you never met and only know as "Texrat" stressed you out?

BTW, the god of all things geek is required to wear a beanie made of tin foil. Ya better get one ready just in case you're right.
euchreprof's Avatar
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It's not stressful for me to write this stuff... I got 12 hours to kill everyday at work... helps put in the time. Plus i figure this will drive Texrat nuts.

PS: If he stopped attacking my posts like Karl stopped I would like that too... BUT THAT AINT GONNA HAPPEN IS IT?

Last edited by euchreprof; 2007-06-04 at 03:57.
Texrat's Avatar
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Originally Posted by convulted View Post
I'm so afraid of getting PWNd
Yeah, because having that third-grade label slung at you by a paranoid internet phantom suffering multiple personality disorder and a massive martyr complex is the ultimate in embarrassment.

Oops... no sarcasm tags.
euchreprof's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Yeah, because having that third-grade label slung at you by a paranoid internet phantom suffering multiple personality disorder and a massive martyr complex is the ultimate in embarrassment.

Oops... no sarcasm tags.

What you gonna say on June 11, 2007 though?
YoDude's Avatar
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Originally Posted by euchreprof View Post
What you gonna say on June 11, 2007 though?
I know what I would say...

Put on your tin foil beanie and grab your round, rubik's cube Orb and 5/8 wave, Firestik CB antenna Sceptre...
You are the god of all things geek.
... that's ^ what I'm saying.
Frankowitz's Avatar
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The fact that Texrat keeps posting in threads like this says it all really.
The mans ego is bigger than life.
euchreprof's Avatar
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At first I thought you were SAP under a new name... but then i saw how Texrat talked to you here and understood... (pages 8,9,10,11,12)

Imagine going through life actually thinking the way he does. He forgot how to act like a human being after year 3 of University or something... I acutally read once when he said "us professionals think this way and blah blah blah" and if I were to take a guess how many personal name calling insults he dishes out to ANYONE who has a different opinion that he does well... I couldn't even count that high cuz I only have 2 years of college. One of his friends on here needs to send him a private message about this cuz although my methods have been comical/insane... i have this guy pegged dead on and u all know it.
euchreprof's Avatar
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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
BTW, the god of all things geek is required to wear a beanie made of tin foil. Ya better get one ready just in case you're right.
Sorry man this stuff is going way over my head... maybe cuz i was strickly a jock during my high school/college years and i didn't hang with the geeks... but don't worry i am making up for lost time NOW.
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