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AbelMN's Avatar
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Originally Posted by tso View Post
it seems to only show the minutes here...
Change the settings for the statusbar in configuration, panels, status bar. Hours & minutes each take a space from your statusbar.

Put minutes on top

As always, have fun, Abel.
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Last edited by AbelMN; 2008-03-10 at 10:28.

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Originally Posted by tso View Post
it seems to only show the minutes here...
The hours and minutes are separate statusbar items, which is a usability problem IMO.
tso's Avatar
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so i have to download two packages?

scratch that, only one on the page. but only minutes show the statusbar, or in the panels settings. even after a reboot.

gah, found it. turned off, and in the other end of the statusbar. sorry about that.

Last edited by tso; 2008-03-10 at 10:45.
fiferboy's Avatar
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Hi guys,

Sorry for the inconvenience of two separate plugins, but that is how I had to do it to achieve the effect I was after. There is a chance in the next version that it will only have one entry you have to add to the statusbar. This depends on an answer from Nokia about a DBUS method that has been broken in OS2008 that makes it so I cannot use this method.

If I get a response about a fix or a workaround I will attempt to make the next version improved by only having the one configuration entry, which will also have the positive effect of having the whole clock load in the statusbar on install (this has been a problem for a lot of people).

For anyone interested, the technical problem is this: in OS2007 there was a DBUS interface called "" that had a signal "event" that allowed you to load or unload a plugin over DBUS. In OS2008 the code for hildon-desktop still uses this interface, but the interface itself does not get registered by anything, so it does nothing. There is a different interface called "org.hildon.Statusbar" but this does noth have a method for loading or unloading.

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AbelMN's Avatar
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For short-sighted people with glasses anywhere but not on your nose:

Configure your statusbarclock font to : DeviceSymbols Bold 22

Benson's Avatar
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Originally Posted by AbelMN View Post
For short-sighted people with glasses anywhere but not on your nose:

Configure your statusbarclock font to : DeviceSymbols Bold 22

You try Nokia Sans Cn Bold 26?
(Maybe a bit smaller, if you're using 12-hr mode.)

The condensed font lets you fit taller text, which I find helps. I'm always wearing my glasses, and I use Nokia Sans Cn 29, but I think the bold helps more than the extra height without them.
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Um, this doesn't work, I tried it and the clock shows, but it only shows the minutes, (just the number -say "27" for 11:27 etc.) and the settings for statusbarclock dont allow me to change it. I DLd v 0.6
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 167 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Powell, OH
You need to go to the Settings -> Control Panel -> Panels. Select the Status bar tab and make sure hours is selected for the status bar clock. You might have to change the order of the status bar applets as well.

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It appears that my statusbar clock installation is resetting my desktop settings. Randomly I'll unlock my tablet and all of my applets are gone. If I restart they show up again, but then later they disappear again. As soon as a disable the statusbar clock my applets stop from dissapearing. Does anybody else have this problem?
Posts: 187 | Thanked: 23 times | Joined on Aug 2007
There's a discussion thread entitled something like "desktop reset" where we were posting about this problem. As for myself, I downgraded to previous version of clock (without alarm) and have not had any problems since.

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