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is there any way to start the connection dialog from the personal menu?
fiferboy's Avatar
Posts: 475 | Thanked: 771 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
If you add the application "Connection Manager" from the "Select from installed applications" that should get what you need.

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is there anyway to get the select connection dialog?
fiferboy's Avatar
Posts: 475 | Thanked: 771 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
If you mean the popup you get when clicking on the connection statusbar item, there is most likely some way to access it with dbus.

I found this page:

But when I try executing the dbus command, it says is not registered by any service files. I have had this problem with chinook before, trying to send statusbar a DBUS signal.

Does anyone know how to get this to work?
Posts: 88 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Jun 2007
did you execute with --system?
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Thanks for a great program.

I wanted to use the terminal mode to interact with a few scripts I wrote, and I didn't want the two terminal windows to run. I tried communicating via environment variables, but osso-xterm doesn't pass them along to the child shell process. I finally came up with a (somewhat hackish) workaround that seems to do the trick.

First, I created a /home/user/.profile with the following:
if [ -f $runscript ]
mv $runscript $myscript
sh $myscript
rm $myscript
sleep 10
kill $PPID
This allows the shell running under osso-xterm to find the script it is to run. I.e. the script is in the /tmp directory. As soon as it is recognized, it is renamed to avoid duplicate invocations. Once the script completes, this code leaves the screen up for 10 seconds so you can read the results, and then kills the osso-xterm (the parent process).

To use it, I created the following script, which I launch from the personal menu:
# Wired ethernet start
echo sudo /home/user/startEth0 > /tmp/.runscript_user
With that, you get a single xterminal running with one toolbar where you can interact with the script. Once complete, it exits automatically.

Perhaps others may want to use the same technique.

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Originally Posted by fiferboy View Post

I will have to think on how it would be best to have two simultaneous instances running with different properties.
Originally Posted by fiferboy View Post
For those wanting multiple PMs to use: currently the config file is hardcoded to be ~/.personal_menu.rc

There is a problem with having more than one (or, I should say more than three) Personal Menus running at once. As PM is a task navigator plugin, it needs to be loaded as one of the three plugins for your tablet. You could theoretically run three of them (after changing the code in several small ways for each one) but then you can't have anything else in your sidebar.

Maybe there needs to be a version of Personal Menu that doesn't need to load in the sidebar? Just a command with an argument specifying which configuration to use that pops up a menu? What say you?
fiferboy, if there is a way that an additional PM icon-set could be made to occupy a second of the three task navigator sidebar slots, could you provide instructions?

I'm hoping, also, that you saw my post suggesting that someday you make a multiple-icon-set PM with the ability to password protect one of them. Used in conjunction with xautomation's xte, it would be a dynamite, one-click password manager.

Also, let me say thanks again for Personal Menu. By far, it's my favorite enhancement to the Tablet interface. It's tremendously elegant, useful, and easy-to-use. You really aced it.
. .

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GeraldKo: I will see what I can work up.

My main issue with multiple instances is how to relate each instance with its configuration file. The easiest way is to hard-code a separate configuration file for the second instance. Then there would also need to be separate control panel plugins ("Personal Menu 1", "Personal Menu 2"?) to set each of them up. And separate icons to tell them apart. And then what if someone wants three?

I would like to come up with a better way to do this (for control panel, have a drop down to select which instance you are setting up), but I haven't figured out what to do with the configuration file relationship or icon yet.

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Benson's Avatar
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Originally Posted by fiferboy View Post
If you mean the popup you get when clicking on the connection statusbar item, there is most likely some way to access it with dbus.

I found this page:

But when I try executing the dbus command, it says is not registered by any service files. I have had this problem with chinook before, trying to send statusbar a DBUS signal.

Does anyone know how to get this to work?
Well, I was trying this:
dbus-send --system /com/nokia/icd_ui
And it won't even give me an error...
I assume I'm doing something wrong, then, but I really don't know what. What were you trying?
fiferboy's Avatar
Posts: 475 | Thanked: 771 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Benson: Try putting '--print-reply' in your command and see what it says. I was trying that method, but I don't remember if I tried '--system'

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