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Originally Posted by EL_EASY View Post
epage I have version 0.9.8, but doesn't look like the screenshot u posted on the front page at all. First of all, still have no Date and it show the telephone number instead of the message, in the messages section. I put a screenshot doesn't look clear though!, but u can get an idea what I'm talking about it...thanks
1. There seems to be a bug where it isn't auto-hildonizing. The menus should not be appearing like that.

2. Its displaying relative date in the left column

3. I took the screenshots on my desktop where the font size is smaller. Its mostly usable with my n800 theme (I use the phone selection dialog to actually view the message, the messages tab is more for a refresher for me).

The joy of a small screen device. Some options
1. Leave it as is
2. Remove some columns or cut down the amount of text in them
3. Instead of making Time/Person/Message in separate columns, make them separate rows.

Any preferences?
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Need some quick help here. Dialcentral has NOT been working for me for awhile. Today, I tried to log into my grandcentral account, failed. I went to my email, dig out an old old log message from grandcentral (BTW, there are quite many callers on the log message that are plain wrong, one of them even from a law firm that saying I have NOT been present in court....and give specific phone number, person name, .... scary, anybody notice similar episode?), thru the old message, I was able to log back into my grandcentral account use the same useracct and password that rejected me minutes ago. Weird! On DialCentral, my grandcentral account still failed to show up, so I cant dial out. And at the same time, grandcentral is asking for upgrade to googlevoice.

1) with all regards, i just want to use dialcentral, should I upgrade or should i wait. Would waiting kick me out eventually? googlevoice upgrade is NOW available that is what it said.

2) what can I do, in a simple language, to make my dialcentral work again?


MMCboot on 4.2008.43-7
dialcentral 0.9.8
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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
Need some quick help here. Dialcentral has NOT been working for me for awhile. Today, I tried to log into my grandcentral account, failed. I went to my email, dig out an old old log message from grandcentral (BTW, there are quite many callers on the log message that are plain wrong, one of them even from a law firm that saying I have NOT been present in court....and give specific phone number, person name, .... scary, anybody notice similar episode?), thru the old message, I was able to log back into my grandcentral account use the same useracct and password that rejected me minutes ago. Weird! On DialCentral, my grandcentral account still failed to show up, so I cant dial out. And at the same time, grandcentral is asking for upgrade to googlevoice.

1) with all regards, i just want to use dialcentral, should I upgrade or should i wait. Would waiting kick me out eventually? googlevoice upgrade is NOW available that is what it said.

2) what can I do, in a simple language, to make my dialcentral work again?


MMCboot on 4.2008.43-7
dialcentral 0.9.8
Not too sure what the issue it was you were having, but I do highly recommend upgrading if you are in the States. The GoogleVoice aspect does get more testing and has more features (like reading voicemail and sms messages and the ability to send sms).
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love the progress. quick question. in the messages section is there any way you can display name instead of number. there are plenty of numbers in my phone book that i would not recognise and cant know who left it without cross referencing. Also to save a bit of room you can simply remove the words "ago" from the history. to me "call 10 hour" and "call 10 hours ago" are the same thing and small screen space saved for more important text. just some feed back from a daily user. keep the updates comming.

еее Not sure if it was on purpose or not but i do enjoy the mwnu on the left of the screen. its right where my thumb is, easy access. еее

Last edited by mrdally204; 2009-05-30 at 15:37.
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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
I find the built in SIP client has the best processor usage to sound quality ratio. Its lightweight, always running, and has a very slick background processing. The IM/SIP app on the tablet is the best built in one, even better when you add AIM and Yahoo.

IF you can get the SIP client to work. I have never been able to get the SIP client to work. I've followed the threads and everything. No luck. But if it did work I would be a very happy person.
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Just discovered the SMS portion. Much better than using the Google SMS webpage. I know you didn't want to add it but I think it was a good add. One suggestion though. I'd like to be able to sms from the keypad. Could you add a "sms" button next to the "DIal" button?

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Hi, me again, still cannot make dialcentralwork.

google voice calling works with internet call and answer call without problem. Problem is to dial out.

I looked under Account, now, after upgrade to googlevoice, my grancentral number is now showing up. below, there is a box saying clear account infor.... And then another box with Callback Number: What should i put in callback number? is that the 1747 gizmo5 number?

A little bit history, it was working beautiful all the way 5/16/09. dial in and answer. It just stopped working with lately. I did also check my own step by step guide, everything setup was right for 0.9.1 version. My question, what has been changed since. TIA,


Edit: WORKING :-)
Problem is the upgrade, I guess it takes time to upgrade to googlevoice, something like 4-8 hrs. After upgrade to googlevoice, you have to Clear the acct info, at least once, and check googlevoice when re-log in. And on the callbacknumber, that should be your gizmo5 1-747 number. And then you can do a test call. 1st test call will activate the googlevoice, which prompt you permission to use your googlevoice acct linked to sip phone. It then goes away for 5 min or so, now you can make the dial-out. I am pretty sure these 'common sense' manueavure are all embedded in the 148 posts since march. Thanks for the good apps and the hardworking codes, now i am calling..... :-)

DC 0.9.8

Last edited by bunanson; 2009-05-30 at 20:37.
epage's Avatar
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Originally Posted by mrdally204 View Post
love the progress. quick question. in the messages section is there any way you can display name instead of number. there are plenty of numbers in my phone book that i would not recognise and cant know who left it without cross referencing.
I looked a bit further at what GoogleVoice is giving me in the data and got a regex that seems to be working for grabbing the persons name.

Originally Posted by mrdally204 View Post
Also to save a bit of room you can simply remove the words "ago" from the history. to me "call 10 hour" and "call 10 hours ago" are the same thing and small screen space saved for more important text. just some feed back from a daily user. keep the updates comming.
I just modified the code to say "2 h", "2 d", "2 w", etc. Is that going too far?

Originally Posted by mrdally204 View Post
еее Not sure if it was on purpose or not but i do enjoy the mwnu on the left of the screen. its right where my thumb is, easy access. еее
Yes, I decided to mvoe the tabs to the left to better fit the the aspect ratio of the tablet. Thumb access is also a good plus of it.

Originally Posted by sondjata View Post
One suggestion though. I'd like to be able to sms from the keypad. Could you add a "sms" button next to the "DIal" button?
Sorry about that, been a bit lazy on that front. I'll play with how this should be added. EDIT: Implemented
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Last edited by epage; 2009-05-30 at 21:04. Reason: Added note that sms from dialpad is implemented
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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
Edit: WORKING :-)
I'm glad to hear
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The Following User Says Thank You to epage For This Useful Post:
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I am NOT done yet, sorry, now I cannot accepting incoming call. I am sure it is some simple setup, some of you can take me thru.

It rings and ask to press 1 to accept call or 4 to have chat service. It is my internetcall program that lights up and the DMTF dial pad is grey out. So

1) how can i get the dialcentral, instead of the built-in internetcall,to answer incoming call
2) where can i get the dial pad to press 1 or 4?



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