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Here is qemu-i386... Its 0.14.1 and its faster then the one we are using. We dont get artifacts in solitaire anymore.

n means it has the nptl patch.. but still this will only work on posix wine.

Cant get 0.15 to run posix wine.

The Following User Says Thank You to orokusaki For This Useful Post:
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The previous one gives:
./qemu-i386: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.10' not found (required by ./qemu-i386)
./qemu-i386: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.8' not found (required by ./qemu-i386)
./qemu-i386: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.6' not found (required by ./qemu-i386)
./qemu-i386: /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.9' not found (required by ./qemu-i386)

Will try 14.1 maybe this will work.
EDIT: this one segfaults

Last edited by szopin; 2011-09-22 at 17:16.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2011
I've been wanting to run an x86 binary on my Sprint Epic 4G under Android (sorry, I didn't get the N900, although I really considered it). Anyways, I was running into the same fork problems you guys were having. I asked in the qemu IRC support channel and was referred to this bug:

The relevant comments for a fix are #32 and #34.

I put the patch in a file called nptl-patch, and I extracted qemu and went to the qemu-0.14.1 directory.

# First, I needed more ram to compile translate.c, so I created and mounted a 384MB swap file on my sd card (I'm sure all your paths and such are different, but you can translate):
dd if=/dev/zero of=/sdcard/swap.img count=786432
mkswap /sdcard/swap.img
swapon /sdcard/swap.img
# don't forget to swapoff later when you're done with it!

# apply the patch
patch -p1 < nptl-patch

# configure and build
# note: I had to install a few packages in order to be able to run configure, but I forget what they were now, they were obvious based on the errors tho
./configure --static --target-list=i386-linux-user
make install

# I had a debian debootstrap --foreign install in /i386:
cp /usr/local/bin/qemu-i386 /i386/usr/bin
chroot /i386

And "ls" worked I proceeded to /deboostrap/debootstrap --second-stage, etc.

I don't know if this is useful or not for wine, but I wanted to share it regardless as another potential avenue for you guys. Good luck!

The Following User Says Thank You to calamari For This Useful Post:
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Is there >=12.2 out there? All I get is glibc problems or segfaults. No luck yet compiling it myself, but as aapo now got new make and autoconf (and gcc in the end) this should be doable at least.Thanks for trying though
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Sep 2011
12.2 is on page 5. Under damion's unstructions. I am running Android 2.3.. actualyl cyanogenmod7 chrooted with ubuntu9.10 and gcc 4.1 with glib 2.10. But I can move that over to my touchpad running ubuntu 11.04 chroot just fine.

That one I uploaded should work, but who knows.. I dont have your phones.. (14.1)

I am compiling with ./configure --static --target-list=i386-linux-user
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Sep 2011
Are you guys using files from slackware 10.2? Thats where I got mine with that wine.tar.gz... came from slackeware 10.2.. also check to be sure you DONT have /usr/local/bin/qemu-i386 and /usr/bin/qemu-i386.
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WE don't. you're on wrong forum. Compiling/porting to android x.x should be on its forum. As you have problems providing any useful binary, try android forums, they might appreciate your work. Your building efforts are missed here.
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Sep 2011
szopin your being rather rude. Go **** off. Your of zero help. Not my fault you cant compile your own damn binary. Have you installed your swap file??

Maeme and Android is still running Linux, and if you had a brain you would realize I chrooted into Ubuntu. Dummy.

Oh and lastly, are you using slackware 10.2 library files like the rest of us? From damians advice on page 5???? I followed his advice and got things going for me, regardless of him being on maemo.

Last edited by orokusaki; 2011-09-22 at 23:21.

The Following User Says Thank You to orokusaki For This Useful Post:
Posts: 2,076 | Thanked: 3,268 times | Joined on Feb 2011
"Mine being rude" has nothing to do with your lack of grammar. You also mentioned compiling on the phone, which obviously isn't the case, go starstarstarstar yourself, and mark your binary excrements as android compatible. Thank you.
EDIT: of course its not your damn fault you can't build an executable (or library) for maemo, why would you post in here then? to say android got solitaire without visual artifacts? good for you, change nano to notepad then.

Last edited by szopin; 2011-09-22 at 23:29.
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Sep 2011
My lack of grammar has nothing to do with your inability to even follow Damians directions. And just because your not happy, doesnt speak for other people who are glad that I posted slackware 10.2 libraries and binaries from posix and posted about /usr/gnemul.

It helped pablo.

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