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Originally Posted by aspidites View Post
and you are sure you were committing your transactions with sqlite3?
100% certain. my code wrote to table and immediately read it. then the new line was there but when i opened conversations -nothing.

it appears there must be a dbus signal emitted etc so using api seems to be the only choice....
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@ossipena: so you ran conn.commit() after your conn.execute() statements and the changes still weren't saved to the database.... odd.

Good luck with ctypes and rtcom API.

Just re-read your post. It's possible then that the db table is being written to, but for whatever reason they aren't recongized in conversations? Hmm...
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Making some progress with splitting the input handling from the GUI, as I said earlier... There's still a ton of stuff to do, but I've got predictive text actually working, and rather quickly too.

Unfortunately, the way I'm doing things, it adds quite a considerable startup delay. (Basically, I load the word list into memory, then split it up into smaller lists according to the length of each word. This allows really fast lookups (no delay at all, just like a normal phone) at the expense of a longer startup time. I'm sure there is a better way of doing this, but it will work for now.

Also, backspacing doesn't work (yet) and the dictionary is unordered... Meaning that if you want "are" and type "2-7-3", you will actually get "ape". Not very helpful

On a related note, Gitorious is rather cool...

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Tapping quickly does not register the keys, is this a bug or hardware limitation
ossipena's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Moolan View Post
Tapping quickly does not register the keys, is this a bug or hardware limitation
it probably is software limitation far beyond my reach. the app writes based to hildon button pressed -event. so not registering : button doesn't register the action so improvements should be done to hildon button I quess.
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In the phone app it works fine, so the software can handle it.
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Originally Posted by aspidites View Post
@ossipena: so you ran conn.commit() after your conn.execute() statements and the changes still weren't saved to the database.... odd.

Good luck with ctypes and rtcom API.

Just re-read your post. It's possible then that the db table is being written to, but for whatever reason they aren't recongized in conversations? Hmm...
good that you are so determined:

i had the commit but it had one frigging # in front of it

now it appears to conversations. device gets real laggy but I'll put that and let people test it. if there are problems, I'll get back to api but now I am doing it via sqlite.

e: just pushed the version that stores the message to git. I'll inform mohammadag that he can make ver 0.2 from current source.

next challenge for me: implementing better backspace. I already have a way to do it, need only to customize variable names etc. after that probably sending to multiple contacts
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Last edited by ossipena; 2010-05-08 at 14:34.
mikec's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
it probably is software limitation far beyond my reach. the app writes based to hildon button pressed -event. so not registering : button doesn't register the action so improvements should be done to hildon button I quess.
Ossi I wonder if this is the same type of problem I had with Qt. ie fast double taps are interpreted as double click action in hildon.

see here
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how i can download that app,,
i can't find the download button (
thank u
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Originally Posted by juven69 View Post
how i can download that app,,
i can't find the download button (
thank u
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