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The problem, euchreprof, is not jealousy. At least most of us would love to know what really goes on inside Nokia ... we usually respect people who are under NDA (non-disclosure agreements) though -- something that you seem incapable of comprehending. You might see it as childish to obey by NDA rules. I, and I may speak for others on this forum, see it as childish to defy NDA regulations. To each his own.
The problem is that you use forums in a rather immature way. I am referring, in particular, to (i) your complete hard-headedness at spelling things wrongly [it is Linux, not Lynix, and his name is Karel, not Karl]; (ii) your affection for PWN'ing people. Just in case you haven't read the signs posted up till now, ITT is not a gamer's forum. It's a serious (in content, not in language) forum where people are trying to discuss/praise/diss the Nokia Internet Tablet device family (plus a few other devices). It is not a forum where you PWN people, no matter how correct you are and incorrect they are. If you know something someone else does not, and if you believe that that something will advance the knowledge of the ITT community, then by all means post it. It does not make you superior to him/her. Nor does that person's lack of knowledge of that particular thing make him inferior to you. In particular, you do not PWN him.
In your particular case, the character we know as euchreprof has come across on at least two different threads as a somewhat immature person in his reasoning. I do not profess to be the god of maturity, or the god of anything else for that matter. It is my honest (and humble) opinion that you stop this "I will post a PWNed pic that will make you all ashamed" bullsh*t. If you do face up to these facts and decide to act maturely and responsibly from now on you will be taken seriously by the others (even texrat :P) and will contribute something positive to the forums. Hell, you might even learn something of value. You just have to stop for a second, re-read all the serious replies to your posts and figure out where you went wrong.

I conclude by stating that even though I am pretty much nobody on these forums and have probably never actually contributed much of "value" for the community at large, I still love these forums and I love the effort put into them by Reggie. ITT is a great resource, so let's stop all the flame wars and keep it that way.
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Awesome post, convulted. I definitely nominate you for moderator.

EDIT: although I will admit it's a bit flattering to have my own personal committed stalker (or do you count multiple personalities in the plural?), although it would be more fun if he mixed up his schtick a bit.

Last edited by Texrat; 2007-06-04 at 14:10.
Posts: 437 | Thanked: 90 times | Joined on Nov 2006
Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Awesome post, convulted. I definitely nominate you for moderator.
Now THAT is flattering
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Originally Posted by euchreprof View Post
What? When you get married you can't have fun?
No, I'm just saying I don't know anybody over the age of 12 that talks like you.
Just because you are online, doesn't mean you don't have to form a full sentence.

SEARCH! It's probably already been answered.
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Originally Posted by barry99705 View Post
No, I'm just saying I don't know anybody over the age of 12 that talks like you.
Yeah, thank God my 14 year old outgrew it. Although he still tries to "pwn" his little brother in deed if not word. :/
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Originally Posted by convulted View Post
Now THAT is flattering
u2 need to get a room.
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Originally Posted by barry99705 View Post
No, I'm just saying I don't know anybody over the age of 12 that talks like you.
but it works well on getting my point accross. i am mocking the way the kids type nowadays (i think it's funny btw) but texrat can't be mature enough like 3000 other members on here and he NEEDS to fight with this 12 year old. Are u the only one left on here withoout a clue on whats really going on here? If texrat wants to return fire with a 12 year old who has 12 per day to kill at his security guard job then shouldn't u also have a word with him? This is commOnsense here... 99% of the pEople on here have it.
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euchreprof, you still didn't answer, webcam support in skype?
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Originally Posted by euchreprof View Post
I have a special "pwned" pic prepard for June 11, 2007 that will embarrass all my doubters.

more info please! I'm dying for skype!
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Just in case some readers are misled by recent ranting rhetoric, here is my original statement vis-a-vis Skype and June 11:

I wouldn't bank on this date based on my own inside info.

Not saying it CAN'T happen... just doesn't look likely. Consider it a bonus if it does.
Now that we have reality out of the way, here's an excerpt from a post I left in another thread about massive (not possible to overstate that) organizational changes going in in Nokia:

The dust is supposed to settle July 1-- just as all of Finland goes into a 1-month Summer hibernation from work. I have no doubt that the next few weeks will see a huge push to get stuff out before that shutdown-- Skype may even be one of them, despite my doubts.
I'm sure the functionally literate here can put two and two together to arrive at four. IF Skype is delivered next week, it will be because there is a huge concerted effort (as is typical of Nokia Finland in June) to get everything out before mass vacation. My concern therefore, as others have expressed, is software quality. To that end, I'd rather the release occur in August if need be.

We'll see. And no, I won't be embarrased at all June 11 if Skype is out. Anyone coming to such a nonsensical conclusion has obviously grossly misinterpreted my short and simple comments (above) on the matter.

Last edited by Texrat; 2007-06-04 at 22:01.
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