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Posts: 5,478 | Thanked: 5,222 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ St. Petersburg, FL
Originally Posted by Kobo View Post
wget doesn't work on OSSO Xterm.. How can i get Flash working on OS2007?
apt-get install wget as root, then try again.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Oxon, UK
Or just download it (the flash plugin) using the web browser rather than wget.
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2007
Hmm, root needs a password. But i didnt configure a password at all.. What should i do?
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default root pass : rootme
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what am i doing wrong?
I have downloaded on three separate occasions SU-18_2007HACKER_4.2007.36-2_PR_F5_MR0_ARM.bin from

after I flash my tablet says I have version 2007.26-8
what am i doing wrong???????????
i am using the from as I am using my osx macbook
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Version number in the software doesn't reflect the build details (which are correct in the filename). Check the output from uname -a, if you're running the latest OS 2007HE it should be:

Linux Nokia-770-36 #1 PREEMPT Wed Nov 29 16:29:50 EET 2006 armv5tejl unknown
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Virginia
Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
Anyone wishing to try Flash 9 on the latest IT OS 2007HE can download Flash 9 from here.

To install:

Close the browser then...

sudo gainroot
tar xvzf microb_flash-4.2007.tar.gz -C /
To uninstall (and revert to Flash 7):

Close the browser then...

sudo gainroot
rm /usr/lib/browser/plugins/
Flash 9 kind of works in youtube - the plugin is correctly detected (previously with Flash 7, would show an error message stating that Javascript is disabled or an old version of Flash is installed) however the video is garbled (at least it is on my 770). Flash advertisments on other sites seem to work fine.
I downloaded flash 9 tar and saved it to my "download" folder on my memory card. Where are you supposed to save this file? Will the commands shown find my downloaded file in the folder I saved it in?
Posts: 3,401 | Thanked: 1,255 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ London, UK
Originally Posted by rggavitt View Post
I downloaded flash 9 tar and saved it to my "download" folder on my memory card. Where are you supposed to save this file? Will the commands shown find my downloaded file in the folder I saved it in?
It doesn't matter where you save it, just change to the directory where you have saved the file (using the "cd" command) then execute the tar command as specified.
Posts: 121 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Oct 2007
I got Flash 9 installed on 2006os and it was not that hard . it runs fine on it . The HE os 2007 was locking up and rebooting on me to much. So if you like to run 2006 os an still have flash then check out my post. Also this info will help you install flash 9 on 2007 HE .

Posts: 70 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jun 2007
Short version: I can't get initfs_flash to work properly.

Long version:

I had installed and working OS2006 (on the MMC) and the previous OS2007 on the internal flash. OS2006 also used all of Fanoush's kernel hacks for faster transfer, dual boot, etc.

Then I installed OS2007HE on the internal flash, which removed the dual boot.

Now I want to get dual booting working again. I figure my OS2006 will still be on the MMC and want access to it again.

I still had initfs_flasher still on the MMC card, so simply reran initfs_flash as root. But now I get a long list of permission denied errors.

Do I need an updated initfs_flasher to use with OS2007HE? Something else I'm doing wrong? I used xterm and sudo gainroot to become root so I think's that's valid.

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