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Originally Posted by Tabster View Post
Does nobody else think it is a good idea to have the time in a one position Status Bar application? using up 2 spaces causes me to get the drop down for 2 rows all the time Might need to turn this off and go back to using the Clock applet..

Maybe someone could take this code and make a "Small Statusbar Clock"?

thanks in advance
Originally Posted by fiferboy View Post

I could easily make another package for "Small Statusbar Clock" but I have two concerns. First is what set of options to offer for configuration. How would AM/PM mode work with the extremely small amount of space? Should there still be a stacked mode except that it shows hours over minutes? I wonder how easy it would be to recognize the time looking at it like that.

Second would be maintaining the code for two applications. Unless it is a change solely for communication between the two plugins any change would have to be made in both code bases. This hopefully wouldn't be much of an increase in work given the simplicity of the code.

Give me a couple of days to see what I can work out.
Nevermind fiferboy.

I see that the original StatusbarClock is in maemo Extras for OS2008 now. Sorry to uninstall your version, but I want my clock to just take up one space. (I like the 12/24hour, font and color options yours gives though.)
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Tabster, it is nice that there is now an option for a single-wide plugin for clock. I always knew that Large Statusbar Clock wouldn't be for everyone because of the extra space it takes.
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Originally Posted by fiferboy View Post
How would AM/PM mode work with the extremely small amount of space?
Just a quick thought - how about using a dot '.' to indicate PM, a method used on cheap LED clocks years ago?

Robert B.
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I will investigate further a "small space" option for my clock, assuming people want to keep some of the features but decrease the space requirement.

Also, for interests sake, the reason I have never put LSC in maemo extras is I never came up with a graceful way of informing people they would have to enable two plugins (a lot of people assume something is wrong when only one shows up initially). If I work this out, I will put the package in the repositories.

Actually, if it is in the repos, I could make a meta-package that would install the hour and minute packages separately that might enable them both.
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Originally Posted by fiferboy View Post
...I never came up with a graceful way of informing people they would have to enable two plugins...
Now, as you read this suggestion, bear in mind that I know nothing about .deb files, apt, or other binary package whatsits. To me, a Linux package is a .tar.gz file, and package management is configure, make, and rm. That said, modest harnesses some sort of magic to display a version history upon completing its installation. Could you not use similar magic to display necessary instructions for your clock?

People will click "OK" without reading the instructions, of course, but that's a separate issue.

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Originally Posted by fiferboy View Post
Actually, if it is in the repos, I could make a meta-package that would install the hour and minute packages separately that might enable them both.
You're right : Meta-Package is THE way to go
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sjgadsby: Yes, that is a very possible solution. I have implemented that with personal-menu to ensure people know to enable it before they can use it. I will definitely implement this for a first time install regardless.

fredol: Now all I have to do is figure out how the heck to make a meta package. Currently I am building and all-in-one deb and don't have the slightest idea how to split it up into one package for each library and a meta package that depends on both. I know it is possible, so I will have to delve into the debian packaging rules in depth.
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I suppose you could take example of openssh packages (one client, one server and one meta)
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Originally Posted by fiferboy View Post
I have implemented that with personal-menu...
Ah, I've never installed personal-menu, so I didn't realize. My apologies.
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sjgadsby: No apology needed. I wasn't pointing that out to be rude, just to show that it can indeed be done (by me even!).

fredoll: Thanks for the tips about openSSH. I had forgotten about that one.

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