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Originally Posted by lcuk View Post

"ahhhahhh you broke the laws of physics and an additional mass has pressed on the surface"
Yea, but I break the laws of physics all the time. I guess that's why my grade is so low

I would not mind sending log files.

Also, 0.0.5 seems a lot slower than 0.0.4. Possibly just a memory leak from another (cough fennec) app.
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Problems: Works well in HiRes, bad in LowRes. Why does the outer box say ext, and the inner say finger, it should be opposite. And, obviously no pinch gesture, but "half-pinch".
Yes, its a start though, I've noted myself about resolution dependence, but its simply a matter of scale as part of the polish.

ermmm ext/finger - yeah I realised but the variables are named thusly and haven't renamed them yet.

How do you plan to differentiate between a normal click and a "multitouch".
it technically does now, if the single finger stroke does not break a certain Jump() radius then it is considered a single stroke.
It is only if it breaks this radius that it breaks into two, it should really only allow jumping if it happens from the start, ie not in mid stroke.

Lol, two versions of liqbase in a day. I am overwhelmed.
heh, well yeah I upped the code and was messing with it and it worked well enough to help explain to a buddy.
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I've not done any substantial reworking from 4->5 and its not changed speed over here.

Do the slide in menus work?
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Must... upgrade... now...
For me np about logging, I have neither porn nor sensible data, just engineering books and some caledar entries
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Hi lcuk,

I must say that this is really, really good!!

I saw the drawings saved in the user directory - do you have any plans to make it exportable to any standard format?
Say jpg or whatever.
So we could use the graphics for other programs (mail, ooficce, gimp, ...).

I could imagine that you have some more things to do on your list...

Very funny for me and my son ;-)

Thanks a lot so far!

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my youngest keeps picking up my tablet and reading through the graffiti wall and finding things which interest him and drawing more and more.
He had me drawing James (from thomas the tank engine) the other night and was great to have him explaining what he needed to make it look right

As for export formats, theres nothing explicitely built into the system yet, I have been having a bit of a mental block regarding exporting bitmap images to PNG.

However I have done some initial testing with SVG, the results are quite good so far.
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Updated to latest build, everything is fine (to be read à la Homer Simpson: Mutlitouch... Aaaaah!!!), no loss of speed or functionality
I really like the new sliding transition between menus, unfortunately as usual there was screen corruption (this time no more purple, it is orange and I like it best ) upon first run (I didn't do anything particular before running liqbase, just opened microb, downloaded the .deb, installed it and closed everything I had active before running liqbase)
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Justnick, do you have a video camera.
Can you show me these corruptions? (to my email addy if you want to keep it private)

I'll be putting the file logging in place tonight but as you see from numerous videos and stuff it just isnt happening on these devices here.

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Man I must admit: I was thinking of asking you something like that, but I was afraid it would sound stupid... But now that you ask I'll do it as soon as I have my batteries recharged
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Posts: 197 | Thanked: 39 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Long Island
Just loaded this app. Looks good.

Is there a central place for tracking the bugs or problems? I don't want to be posting about issues that are already known about. This thread is already 16 pages.

Like the lines that pop up in the screen (like a tv with sync problems) when viewing the list of "books" to read. I assume this is known, or is it only a problem on my N800?

Keep up the good work!
Paul <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Linux newbie with a N810 OS2008 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Art is the lie that shows us the Truth
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