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I am not big on editing spreadsheets, so I figured I would just download iWork (Numbers) and compare it side to side with my N900. Here is a YouTube video about iWork/Numbers:

I have Gnumeric booted up right in front of me on my N900, I have Numbers by Apple (from iWork on my iPhone 4S directly next to it)

I can't find one thing that Numbers can't do that Gnumeric can. But I did run into a few issues with Gnumeric reading .xlxs documents. I also had problems with Maemo word processors and .docx formats. Except with the mobile app "DocumentsToGo"

The software that you're recommending can't even open the kind of spreadsheets that the vast majority of people use, then you go on to claim it is more functional. I am sorry, once again, YOU CAN'T EXPECT ME TO TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY.

I don't know is Numbers is the best spreadsheet application for the iPhone but it is a lot better than Gnumeric, I have them both running at the same time, I can open files with Numbers that aren't supported by Gnumeric, it is faster and easier to use with more functionality. Go borrow an iPhone and test them out for yourself, I am sure you will come to the same results, I have been using Gnumeric for YEARS and Numbers for under 24hrs. Yet I am still more proficient with Numbers. It's not really subjective.

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Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
I don't want to debate but I think you are wrong on MyPaint's benefits on the n900...

This thread especially shows the benefits of MyPaint...
That's like saying "A bunch of good prison inmates have decent tattoos, hence the tools they use there must be the most efficient."

Fallacious argument at best. I have tried using MyPaint on the N900 - it is a fun TOY but it can't really be used in that form factor functionally.

Edit: but it still wins over the iPhone since I have found the captive touch screen to be useless for any kind of serious drawing, unless someone can prove me wrong.

Last edited by xxxxts; 2012-11-12 at 07:46.

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It appears the rest of the claims are false and very outdated (like 2007 outdated) - the iPhone 3GS can do all the things I hear people claiming it can't. Copy and paste? Transferring files from USB without iTunes? Really the iPhone can't do that? Give me a break.

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I am really disappointed in this community. I don't care if you prefer the N900 over the iPhone or any other device. i don't care if your reasoning is really out there. What I am really disappointed in is your lack of curiosity to see what is out there. It is almost like a religious ideology. I see that with Apple people (they just want shiny thin stuff) but you guys are smart, technical, and many of you are engineers. If I said, "I think there may be a better what of doing this" and you choose to disregard it out of sheer ignorance and in factual data it is doing yourself an injustice.

I have no problem with you saying "My N900 does everything I need it to do." - Where the majority of this community and I butt heads is when you say, "My N900 does everything I need it to do, so I am not even going to consider other options." That's when I have to start doubting the credibility, integrity to the truth, and intelligence of the poster.

Everyone who posted here with the above mindset has given the Maemo/MeeGo community a bad name.

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Actually except for maybe 1 or 2 posters everyone has been saying that for their needs the n900 fits and although having considered other options they choose the n900

I have droids and iphones along with WPs but use the n9 as my daily driver...I don't see how there is anything "wrong" with that...I use what I feel is intuitive for me...Most people actually have phones from other OSes but choose the n900 or n9 as their daily driver too; don't let 1 or 2 posters cloud your opinion of all

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The capacitive screen is far from useless to draw on, it just has some limitations. I find it very good to draw on, though more time consuming when speaking of shading/colouring. That's been pretty much resolved with pressure sensitive styli's. No it's not as precise as a Wacom digitiser but good enough for me.
You should google drawings made on an iPad with either Brushes or Procreate and see what is actually possible to do on an capacitive screen.
I only found the navigating in Mypaint dreadful on the N900 the rest was simply very good (apart from the screen size) (though you needed to be OC'd to 1100 to get a good drawing experience).


e: links


My Procreate art:

My Søciety6:

Last edited by Dousan; 2012-11-12 at 08:34.

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Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post

Actually except for maybe 1 or 2 posters everyone has been saying that for their needs the n900 fits and although having considered other options they choose the n900

I have droids and iphones along with WPs but use the n9 as my daily driver...I don't see how there is anything "wrong" with that...I use what I feel is intuitive for me...Most people actually have phones from other OSes but choose the n900 or n9 as their daily driver too; don't let 1 or 2 posters cloud your opinion of all
I suggest you reread this thread and find how many false claims have been made about the iPhone with sheer ignorance. I made this thread to inform the Maemo community about my transition from an N900 to the iPhone 4S 5.1.1 Jailbroken not to start a debate on what is better, most of the arguments posed to defend the N900 were to simply lie about what the iPhone can and cannot do.

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Originally Posted by Dousan View Post
The capacitive screen is far from useless to draw on, it just has some limitations. I find it very good to draw on, though more time consuming when speaking of shading/colouring. That's been pretty much resolved with pressure sensitive styli's. No it's not as precise as a Wacom digitiser but good enough for me.
You should google drawings made on an iPad with either Brushes or Procreate and see what is actually possible to do on an capacitive screen.
I only found the navigating in Mypaint dreadful on the N900 the rest was simply very good (apart from the screen size) (though you needed to be OC'd to 1100 to get a good drawing experience).

I don't own an iPad, can't comment on it.

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Originally Posted by xxxxts View Post
I don't own an iPad, can't comment on it.
My point is that a capacitive screen is a capacitive screen no matter the size and Brushes comes as a mobile app on iPhone aswel and is just as usefull to draw in as on the iPad (it's just the screen size that differs.

I'd say the capacitive screen even on the iPhone is for serious drawing, though these are not finished

My Procreate art:

My Søciety6:

Last edited by Dousan; 2012-11-12 at 09:04.

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Originally Posted by xxxxts View Post
I don't own an iPad, can't comment on it.
Well, as an N900 user I have no patience with iOS. All feels like struggle.

after 1.5 years of peace the daughter accidentally upgraded to 5.1.1. despite being warned not to touch anything to prevent this situation.

All useful applications like Dictionaries for school use gone so I had to spend some time in settling the issues.

Ok, Jailbreaking with Absinthe 2.04, that went fine, really.

Next step: Let's first install "Firewall IP to prevent naughty apps phoning home or worse...

Damn, I need a google or facebook account to continue on Cydia.

Seriously, let me just have my serial number in a mailbox of choice or by FAX.
Ok let's download a free testing version with installous: API not found... grr..

I'll check it out during my time on the toillet.

For some reason this iThing feels like a proprietary struggle while the N900 is fun as you are actually learning something useful and widely applicable when adjusting a Linux box to your likings.

To each it's own...

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bateman v nerds, clueless ii, iphone doucher, neckbeards pwnd

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