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pycage's Avatar
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Apple's antenna-gate is a totally different story. Apple finally had to acknowledge that every single device was affected. In Jolla's case a small percentage of devices sold were affected, which is business as usual with electronics devices.
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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
Apple's antenna-gate is a totally different story. Apple finally had to acknowledge that every single device was affected. In Jolla's case a small percentage of devices sold were affected, which is business as usual with electronics devices.
How do you know how many Jolla's were affected without knowing what the fault is? Or do you know? Did some of the first batch have some faulty part or what was it?
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Originally Posted by pango View Post
Really. You don't think all the people who took the time to complain about a lack of explanation might have felt better if they had an explanation? My belief certainly is different to yours.
No, because explanation still would not have prevented the need to send those devices for being repaired.

Last edited by JulmaHerra; 2014-08-27 at 20:17.

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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
In Jolla's case a small percentage of devices sold were affected, which is business as usual with electronics devices.
From where do you know that small percentage? Any data how many devices where affected? What about number of devices that were sold this far?
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Why would it be interesting for me, as I don't have the problem?

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Originally Posted by JulmaHerra View Post
No, because explanation still would not have prevented the need to send those devices to being repaired.
Without knowing what the explanation is, it is hard to say. I have certainly witnessed (out in the world in general) warranty repairs that didn't help at all, in which case knowing beforehand might be useful.

Anyway, I think from a PR perspective - in this early adopter, community stage - respecting the community enough by giving them an honest, solid reason when something like this happens just smacks of good policy to me. The secrecy in that TJC thread doesn't sit too well with that.
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pango, do you even own a Jolla?
zogG which you linked a few times already didn't own a Jolla back then btw.
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Originally Posted by fk_lx View Post
From where do you know that small percentage? Any data how many devices where affected? What about number of devices that were sold this far?
Well, mine for certain is not affected, so that makes it < 100%. And looking at TMO and TJC it doesn't look like that many people have that issue, so I assume it's a small percentage of X, of which you may roughly approximate a lower bound from download statistics visible in the store.
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benny1967's Avatar
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Originally Posted by pango View Post
No? Here stezz says they will tell when they know - and then in the last update say they have been able to isolate the root cause, but don't tell what it is
Youre trying so hard... What he said is they'll tell once they know more. And that's what they did: They found that people had to send their devices in for repair (and the issue couldn't be solved be exchanging the SIM card, as Jolla may have hoped, or by a software update, as users might have expected).

Really, you're interpreting more than you're reading. And you seem to always think the worst of people. That's just unfair. Maybe I've been following the various Jolla communication channels more intensely than others, but I found the inner circle of what appears to be Jolla's face to the public exceptionally kind, straighforward and helpful. There's just no way they'd be as evil and arrogant as you try to paint them here. One can just wonder what your motives are.

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I believe I iwn one of the first - perhaps second - badge phones , I never experienced SIM problem.
I have had random shutdowns/reboots (causing the phone one time to not be able to start or enter recovery, only fastboot was possible - thus my worries for a flashable fastboot image)

Also, regarding issues. I have seen Jolla startong to pay more attention, lately regarding spare battery, and taking up the flashable image seriously.

That gives me hope

Lastly, I know I have raised stormy waters to create attention, while this can be taken as an attack, this is not MY intention.

I knew I purchased a beta device, I did that on purpose, i know and knew some of the limitatiions, yes, some is still a pain - for me - but this "love to hate" is getting too much attention and space.

If You dont like the smell on the Bakery, choose the one next door. But the bread might just not taste as good.

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