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Originally Posted by coldstream View Post
Second, as I played around with the new POI feature, I suddenly have lots of purple square POIs on my maps. Soooo, would it be easy to have a feature in the Edit POI Category box to allow users to determine each category's POI color? I think that would help differentiate the different POIs as you drive near them.
You can customize the look of POIs by using PNG or JPEG icons. Simply place an icon file in the same directory as your POI database file, where the filename is the same as the name of a POI category or the label of an individual POI, and give it the "jpg" extension (even if it is a PNG). Maemo Mapper will use that icon instead of the purple square. See this ITT thread for more details, or search the forums for other icons.
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Originally Posted by dormant View Post
I didn't actually check the n800 gpx track files before I posted my question. I can now see that the track points are recorded every second. This is frequent enough that I can probably create a derived track file with points at equal distance intervals using gpsbabel.

Is the one second between track points a fixed interval, or can it be changed?
It depends on your GPS receiver. Maemo Mapper does not use an interval. It draws data (and records track data) as soon as it gets it from the receiver. Maemo Mapper does discard some data from being recording in the track file, but only if you haven't moved since the last recorded track point.
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Posts: 332 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
This is really outside the scope of maemo-mapper, but I'd be interested in what people think.

Maemo-mapper, GPS and Google Earth are now so good that we can see errors in some of the data available. In Trinidad, I can consistently see a 15m offset between GPS locations and Google Earth/Maps data. For instance, the attached file shows a track I drove this morning plotted on Google Earth (I see the same offset on the n800 when I use Google Maps). There was very good visibility of satellites, so the error in the location should be less than 5 metres.

I have noticed a similar, much larger, offset for Dominica using a handheld GPS: 150-200 metres. I posted to the Google Earth discussion forums, but never got a reply.

Data providers like Google do not seem to provide quantification of the accuracy of their data.

How could we improve the situation:

a) Feedback to the map providers
b) Create our own versions of map files, shifted as we see fit.
c) An option in maemo-mapper to shift map data by a user-specified amount.
d) Shut up and be happy with what we got.
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  • N900
  • N800
  • LD-3W
  • two magic OTG USB adapters
  • crossed fingers
dormant's Avatar
Posts: 332 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
It depends on your GPS receiver. Maemo Mapper does not use an interval. It draws data (and records track data) as soon as it gets it from the receiver. Maemo Mapper does discard some data from being recording in the track file, but only if you haven't moved since the last recorded track point.
Thanks for the info.
  • N900
  • N800
  • LD-3W
  • two magic OTG USB adapters
  • crossed fingers
Posts: 16 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2007
That would explain it.

So by setting the cache to my MMC, I effectively am using the MMC for storage? I noticed Maemo Mapper crashing when it rans out of space on the internal flash....

Here's a side question - does Maemo Mapper have the ability to recompute my trip if I go astray?
Posts: 98 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Knightdale, NC
Hello -

I don't usually join forums (just read them). But I wanted to join to let Gnuite know what an awsome job he has done with this software.

I also have a question: I use the 2007he on the N770 and I was wondering if anyone has any optimal settings to use with 2.0 as I have noticed that it is not as fast as 1.X. I realize it's probably not going to be as fast, but now my blue dot ends up off the screen alot while the software tries to catch up. It used to stay in the middle before.
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by dormant View Post
This is really outside the scope of maemo-mapper, but I'd be interested in what people think.

Maemo-mapper, GPS and Google Earth are now so good that we can see errors in some of the data available. In Trinidad, I can consistently see a 15m offset between GPS locations and Google Earth/Maps data. For instance, the attached file shows a track I drove this morning plotted on Google Earth (I see the same offset on the n800 when I use Google Maps). There was very good visibility of satellites, so the error in the location should be less than 5 metres.
Does a downloaded route plot with the same error as your track? If so, then it's possible that the lat/lon-to-screen conversion code is not accurate. If I may ask, in what part of the world was that track recorded, i.e. far north or south, near the equator, etc.?
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Originally Posted by dburr10085 View Post
I also have a question: I use the 2007he on the N770 and I was wondering if anyone has any optimal settings to use with 2.0 as I have noticed that it is not as fast as 1.X. I realize it's probably not going to be as fast, but now my blue dot ends up off the screen alot while the software tries to catch up. It used to stay in the middle before.
I believe (haven't done formal testing) it's slightly faster if the view is not rotated (i.e. north points up) and when you are at a zoom level for which you have maps in their native resolution (i.e. not pixellated). Also, your memory card read speed will have a direct impact on how quickly Maemo can render the screen, so you may want to invest in a faster memory card.

Other than that, the only thing you can do is enable Lead centering and/or zoom out so that refreshes are not as common.
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Originally Posted by dwmcqueen View Post
So by setting the cache to my MMC, I effectively am using the MMC for storage? I noticed Maemo Mapper crashing when it rans out of space on the internal flash....
Darn. That use case is so hard to test on my desktop! I'll see if I can fix it by testing with the file read-only. I would have thought that it would have just produced an error (just like when you're disconnected from the internet).

Originally Posted by dwmcqueen View Post
Here's a side question - does Maemo Mapper have the ability to recompute my trip if I go astray?
If you have an internet connection, then yes. In the "Download Route" dialog, enable the "Auto-Update" checkbox. Maybe I should re-word that to "Auto-Correct" or "Auto-Recompute" or something more intuitive....
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Does a downloaded route plot with the same error as your track? If so, then it's possible that the lat/lon-to-screen conversion code is not accurate. If I may ask, in what part of the world was that track recorded, i.e. far north or south, near the equator, etc.?
My routes and plots are pretty much spot on up here. I have seen them drift when I don't have a good gps fix though.
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